Thursday, February 19, 2009

Music Therepy

Speaking of music (see previous post), do you ever come across one of those songs that just make you feel young again? We have a radio station here that plays a lot of 80’s music, and I love listening to it. It gets me going. It picks me up when I am dragging, and it just makes me feel good. Of course, as for most girls, my teenage years were not always the best days, but I only remember the good times that go along with those songs, and never any of the other hurtful crap.

A few days ago I heard “Jungle Love” by the Steve Miller Band. Just hearing the beat put a smile on my face. I really wished that Mark and I had gone to the same High School together and could share some of those memories. The Steve Miller Band always makes me think of a wonderful friend I had named Steve Morris. He was a blast. I rode in his car many a time listening to Steve Miller, singing at the top of my melodious lungs, drinking God only know what. We would drive “the shuffle.” It was these country roads on the far north part of town. I don’t know why, but there were never police out there. There were a few places where you could pull over and congregate with other car loads of people. And that was the typical weekend night in T-town. I wonder where Steve is now and what he is doing… Steve! Get on Facebook! Ha Ha!

I also loved David Allen Coe. I actually bought one of his CDs right before New Year’s last year. I listened to it while I made Jell-O shots for the party we went to. It is just crazy how music can make you feel. It can give you energy, pump you up. It can bring you down (I try not to listen to those songs) and make you cry. Music is great therepy.

Gotta go, Ugly Betty is about to come on TV! Ha Ha!

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