Thursday, February 19, 2009

Love me some Jimmy Buffett

I have been in bed since yesterday about 1:00. I woke up last night for a few hours, but stayed in bed and watched TV. Today, I slept, literally all day, till 5:15 when Mark called to see where all the kids were. At that point I thought I better check my email to see if I need to reply to anyone… ugh!

I did have an email from my sister with a song attached she knows what a HUGE fan of Jimmy Buffett I am, and of course, I loved this new song. It is about a driver on I-95, but could apply to so many other situations and/or scenarios, that at least for today, it is my new favorite song.

I have so many good memories with Jimmy. He was there when I had Michael, he was there so many nights with a car full of friends driving the “shuffle” in Texarkana. He has been so great at so many really fun concerts. Mark even went to one with me, Christy and Nicky several years ago. We had a blast! It is none too often that you see Mr. Pittard let his hair down and have fun. He smiled and wore a balloon hat – the whole 9 yards. He did it for me, but he did it none the less.

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