Friday, March 6, 2009

The Flood

Last Wednesday I went and picked up the boys after school. I usually drop them by the house so they can get a snack before they start their homework. I ran in to use the bathroom, and Mavrick did to. He went to the half-bath downstairs. I left to come down to Mom and Dad’s to get Major. So far, all of this was just a normal afternoon. I usually arrive to get Major at 4:00. At 4:26 Michael called and said that the toilet was overflowing. We said out goodbyes and I got Major and his stuff and went home. When I got to the house water was everywhere! And the toilet was still running!

I called Dad and he came and got Major. There was no way I could set him down to do anything! Michael held him while I turned the water off to the toilet. Upon closer examination, water was literally everywhere! It had run out of the doorway all the way across the living room and around the corner, making it’s way down the hall. It had also flowed the other way into the master bedroom and into the master bath. I yelled over the fence for Kelly the neighbor to bring over all her towels (it was a nice afternoon and they were in the backyard). Then I called Mark and said “you have to come home NOW!”

After we got all the towels down, and stopped it from going any further, or so we thought. I then called the insurance company. The lady on the phone was like “ok, when did this happen?” I told her “about 30 minutes ago.” She said “Oh, it REALLY did JUST happen.” I told her I didn’t know what to do, and that I needed direction. Her direction helped somewhat, but calmed me down enough to focus some at least! After the insurance company, I called Kim, another neighbor who had recently had a flooded kitchen, and asked her what to do about furniture. Everything we have is wood or has wood legs/feet, and I really didn’t want my furniture ruined.
Within an hour the “water team” called and said that they would be out in about two more hours. Then Mark got home. Bobby and Chris got home and both came over (the neighbor husbands) and they started moving furniture till the “water team” got there. They finally arrived around 7:15 and took some pictures then started ripping out carpet. Me and the boys came down to mom and dad’s about 8:30, and Mark stayed at the house. The water team didn’t leave till after midnight. They had about 20 fans blowing all over the place and 4 or 5 dehumidifiers running. It was so much that they had to plug things in upstairs because the breaker kept flipping down stairs.

So, as I said, this was all Wednesday evening. The fans and stuff were in the house till Monday morning. Monday after noon a contractor came by to do an estimate to send to the insurance company. His information went to the insurance company today, and I should hear from an adjuster tomorrow.

We have been at Casa Johnston for over a week now, and as comfortable as they have made us, I still really miss my bed most of all!

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Today my sweet Daddy turns 66. I know, he does look a lot younger than that! His hair has just started to grey in the last year. And about two weeks ago he got hearing aids…”huh?” You heard me.

He really is amazing. You remember week before last when I was so sick, Major stayed with mom and dad for two nights so I could get some real rest and finally get better. One of those nights Daddy slept in his chair with Major because Major was having a bad night. Can you believe that? There are not many Poppy’s who would do that. It is amazing how in love with that child he is. He loves all five of the kids, but he and Major have something so sweet and so different. They are bonded.

Since our house flooded (I will write more about that later), we have been staying at mom and dad’s. We all keep such busy schedules and come and go so much that we haven’t gotten on each other’s nerves yet. Well, they haven’t gotten on my nerves yet, anyway. This afternoon, I was in the kitchen and Daddy had Major in the living room. Daddy was just laughing out loud. It was a good laugh, a real laugh. It was so sweet, and it really made my heart feel good to hear him laugh like that.

Mom and Dad went to the farm last night, so we won’t see them for his birthday… but I will be thinking about you, Daddy. You are wonderful! I Love You! Happy Birthday!