Monday, January 12, 2009

Weight Update

Not real sure...
My husband just told me I was a Facebook whore… I’m not real sure what to think about that. Does he mean it is like crack and I can’t get enough? Maybe. Does he mean I am sluttin’ myself out on it? Absolutely not! Whatever. I am on Facebook and I like it.

So, I weighed on Friday and had lost approximately one pound. Happy! Then I weighed this morning and had gained three from where I started! Depressed! Then, this afternoon Aunt Flow came to visit. Happy again!

I really didn’t do very well last week. I didn’t go to the gym a single time! The best laid plans, right? Anyway, I did add a few servings of fruits and veggies, I got up earlier a few days, and had a couple of really productive days. So, I am off to a slow start, but it is a start.

1 comment:

Am said...

Just got our internet set back up so I am catching up. A pound is good! Keep it up!!!