Sunday, January 25, 2009


Last weekend we went to Shreveport to have Christmas with my in-laws. We had a great trip. The kids all did good in the car on the way there and back. Major did pretty good not being on his home turf or in his own bed. We had a wonderful gift exchange. It was a good trip all the way around.

On Sunday we went over to Mansfield and saw Mark’s grandparents. His granddad is around 96 and I think his grandmother is around 92. We only stayed about 2 hours, but had a good visit. It was the first time they had seen Major. They are both at the stage that they ask the same question over, and over, and over. They asked how much Major weighed, and if we would just leave him with them. Grandmother is worse at asking the same questions than Granddad, and she asked me several times who I was before I married Mark. The first time I was like “me! I have always been me.” I was a Johnston from Texarkana. I tickled myself several time thinking I could just say something, and she would say “well, my goodness.” And ask me again in about five minutes. I tried not to get annoyed, realizing that 1.)lthey are getting old and this could be the last time we see them, and 2.) thinking about all the fun I could have messing with them. I know it’s bad, but I thought it. You know, “how much does he weigh?” and just saying a different number every time.

Michael and Mavrick went on a walk with Grandpa Gil, and nearly walked the entire 160 acers. I don’t know if Grandpa would have gone on the walk if he would have known it was going to be so long. The boys had a good time, and I think it was good for Grandpa not to have to sit in the house with the same questions floating around.

Grandmother has a cat that she and Gran-gran were trying to find. They went in the back of the house and Mavrick was coming around the corner and heard them calling the cat. He bent down under a bush and started “meow-ing.” Mark and I were on the back porch just laughing. They would call, and he would meow. Durn, that child is funny! We had a good time. I really wish it wasn't so far away and we could go more often.

1 comment:

Julie B said...
