Friday, January 29, 2010

Three Wishes

Tonight we had one of Major’s favorite shows on, Jack’s Big Music Show. It is really a very cool show that I enjoy watching as well. The characters found a horn and blew it and a Music Genie came out. She then granted the three main characters three wishes. That got me to wondering, if I had three wishes, what would I wish for?

If you would have asked me this question 20 years ago, I am certain the wishes would be different, and easier to come up with. Now, I don’t even know what I would wish for. It is amazing how you change and grow, and so does your perspective. Beauty fades, fortunes get spent, true loves die. Nothing lasts forever.

So do you wish for something to change the here and now? Or do you wish for something in the future? Do you wish things for yourself? For those you love? For the world? If a Genie granted me three wishes, what would I wish for? What would you wish for?

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