Saturday, November 1, 2008

Madi, the dog

About four months ago we traveled to Nacogdoches to adopt a dog from their animal shelter. We all really liked her and thought she would be a good addition to our family… fast forward four months and the new had worn off. They kids paid no attention to her. I fed her in the mornings and Mark was feeding her in the evenings. Nobody played with her. It was really very sad for her I think. So, what do you do?

Well, I’ll tell you. When you adopt a dog from a shelter, you sign an agreement that if for whatever reason you cannot keep the dog, you will return it to the place of adoption…Nacogdoches. So, after much thought and consideration, I decided that I have an infant, two very active boys, and a husband who works all the time; I didn’t need a dog too. So, on Monday, my dear, sweet, wonderful blessing of a mother took me, Major and the dog on a road trip. I surrendered her (BTW, it is a “No Kill Shelter”) and tried to feel bad about it. I couldn’t. I felt bad that she was a puppy who needed attention and wasn’t getting it. I feel like she will be adopted quickly. I decided to just feel bad that I didn’t feel bad.

Finally, here we are on Saturday evening, and the boys still don’t know that she is gone. I was prepared to give them some big elaborate lie about her running away, but now, a week later, they have still not said anything about it. On Tuesday, Isabella was here and asked where the dog was, and tonight Michael has a friend spending the night who asked where the dog was, but that is it! I am kind of pissed that I put such thought into it and dealt with the whole “I’m taking their dog away” thing!

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