Monday, June 21, 2010

A Handkerchief

I have started a journal for the kids of just different little things about Daddy – ok, its for me too. Not my point. The purpose is to help the kids remember, and for the younger ones, get to know, their Poppy and how much he loved them. And boy, did that man love those babies! I am working diligently just to make it about Daddy, taking caution to not put anything in it about how I am feeling. Just little facts about Daddy.

One of the recent things I wrote was about how my dad ALWAYS carried a handkerchief. A hankie in his back pocket and a pocketknife in his front pocket – two things you could count on. He is actually the only man that I have ever known to carry a hankie. Well, today when I was sorting laundry I found one. I have to assume it was Daddy’s. It was probably with something I picked up at the farm and ended up here. But it was nice to see that Daddy still has a hankie handy to wipe my tears. I will definitely keep it with me from now on.

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