Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Saturday

Wow! I have been gone so long and so much is going on and running through my head. Having a blog is really much more therapeutic than you might think. It is like screaming and not disturbing anyone in the process. I love my blog!

So, this evening I am sitting at the farm watching my family watch Star Wars. The boys and I are here with mom and dad for Easter. I have so many wonderful memories of Easter here. We used to come over here every year and have an Easter family gathering at uncle Dude and aunt Wanda’s. It was a blast! Popaw would always have to leave in the middle of it, or would be running late because he had to deliver a goat, or a calf, or a something. Granny would just roll her eyes, but I think she loved it as much as he did.

We would have a huge lunch, usually 30 or 40 people. Then all the men would go out and hide the eggs. We would have about 15 kids out there running all over the field hunting eggs. I remember the sun shining on the golden fields. Sometimes it would already start turning green if we had been having good rain. There were eggs everywhere. Always a few in some cow patties. Nice touch!

Tomorrow, some of us will go to church and then Christy and her family will come over and have lunch and our own little Easter egg hunt. Hopefully, the rain will stop long enough for us to get some pictures in the blue bonnets on the way home. I took some this afternoon in the wildflowers across the lane in aunt Wanda’s field.

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