Thursday, July 15, 2010

Some People!

OK, I realize that I am a big ball of irrational thoughts and emotions. But this morning I got an email from a non-voting member of a board I volunteer on. It sent me past being pissed off. She basically was making up excuses for something not being done because she was concerned (yeah, we’ll call it that) about something else not being taken care of, which in reality was being taken care of. Then she asked for something that 1.) I just don’t have, and 2.) has more or less been presented to her in the past.

Come on! I remember the brief period of time that I was not married, had a job but not really a whole lot going on. I would go exercise. I feel like this witch is sitting around thinking of things other people can do for her. Really? Because I have so much more going on that I can’t even function without a list to remind me of everything I need to do.

Needless to say, I responded to her email with a big fat “sorry, you are not getting that. I don’t have it and don’t have time to go get it.” Then I closed with “BTW – I don’t have time to play with you and I am certainly not ready to play nice.” This woman has rubbed me wrong from the beginning. I pray that she gets the message! I was rude today, but I can get ugly if I need to.

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