Thursday, May 5, 2011

Where am I?

Well, somehow I have let it happen again. It feels like EVERY THING is moving out of control. Our house is under major construction. About 20 projects going and nothing completed. And I don't know where all my time is going. It seems as my day is chopped into small little increments and all these together have just got me at a tired standstill.

I guess my days are really a bit "off" with Michael on his weird schedule. I get up and get Mavrick to school, come home and get Michael up and going, get Major up and everyone fed and dressed. Then between 10 and 11 I take Michael to school and Major and I either go to the gym or to run errands. Lately, about the time we are finished with our errands Michael is calling and wanting to come home. Then in about an hour, Mavrick comes home. There is some time for laundry and dishes in there, and maybe some house keeping. Then dinner, baths and bedtime. Really, where does my day go? I don't know, but I can tell you this, I am exhausted!

**The best part of this post is that I forgot to publish it, so here I am a few days later putting it up. Priceless!**

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