Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Another Cube Story

So I have another story that some of you may be able to appreciate. In the Cube last Friday, I was with the Kindergarten and 1st graders in the first hour. The kids were standing in a line playing “Mother May I.” This one little girl starts moving … kind of swaying back and forth. Next thing we know, she is hurling on the floor. Those of you who know me well know what I started doing…

I have a very weak stomach, and a very high gag reflex. So, when she is barfing I start choking. I ran and got some paper towels to throw over the mess, then I got the garbage can. The lead teacher took her out of the room. I put chairs around it so the kids wouldn’t step in it… but I had to leave it there. The lead teacher got back in the room and I told her that I have a weak stomach and couldn’t clean it up.

Wonder if they will put me in a K/1st grade class next semester.

1 comment:

Christy said...

You shouldn't be expected to clean up barf! The church has a cleaning crew on staff during business hours, that is what they do is clean up barf, not you. Lord knows you'd be barffing even more and then a chain reaction would happen. UGH, hate that for ya! Just back away from the mess. You did the right thing. You're so funny!