Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My boys

Last night, Michael, Mavrick and I went down to Waco to see Tech play Baylor in basketball. Tech lost again, but that wasn't really the point of the trip.

Before Major came along, we would hang out together alot. The big boys miss that. They tell me so. I have tried to start doing something with JUST them at least once a month. We take Major as often as we can, but I like to just take Michael and Mav too.

I have wondered many times, what will happen when they grow up? I have worried (you know how I love to worry) that they will marry some girl in NYC and we will never see them. We don't see Mark's parents but about 4 times a year. Growing up, I don't remember seeing my dad's parents a whole lot. Typically, I think women are closer to their parents and parents are closer to their daughters.

So, that sucks for me. I am in love with my boys, and chances are, they will start leaving in a few years and just be gone. A friend of mine told me that her mother-in-law told her when she got married "a daughter is your daughter all her life, and a son is your son until he takes a wife."

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