Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Me and JC - 7 week update

As some of you may recall, on October 15th I started on Jenny Craig. My progress has been slow, but steady. I have lost about 11 lbs to date and have lost 5 inches all over in less than 7 weeks. And had Thanksgiving during that time! To me that is exciting! Today, I put on a pair of my sister’s “fat jeans.” They are a size 12 and look pretty cute on me. One might even consider them baggy, except around the waistline.

Some of you know that I consider myself to be built like a brick. I am as wide as I am thick. So, this leads me to wonder, does your ribcage ever go down after having three kids? My ribs/chest are really just huge. And I am wondering, will they stay that way? I have 34 more pounds to go, but if my ribcage stays blown up like this, I will look hysterical.

After I had Major I was what I call “skinny fat.” I had lost so much blood and all that I really dropped about 30 pounds in about three weeks, but I was so flabby. I don’t want to be like that. Mom thinks that if I go below that weight I will not look good. We will just have to wait and see. Christy weighed over Thanksgiving and is at my goal weight, and I think she looks good. She is just an inch or two shorter than me, so I should be ok.

Can you tell a difference yet?
This is today:

This was our family reunion on October 9th:

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