Saturday, July 5, 2008

Belly Sleeper

So, baby Major is a belly sleeper. I am a belly sleeper, so I shouldn’t be shocked by this. However, it goes against everything that all the Drs preach to us about putting the baby on his back and the whole SIDS thing. For the last 11 weeks, we have had this fight during nap time. He would literally sleep for 20 or 30 minutes and wake up. There was no way he would sooth himself back to sleep. I was holding him during his naps, so I was losing HOURS out of my days! And now you can so tell! My house has been totally neglected and is starting to show the neglect.

My mom told me a few weeks ago that he wouldn’t be a good sleeper until he could roll over by himself and sleep on his stomach. On Thursday afternoon, he fell asleep and I laid him on his blanket on the floor – on his stomach. He slept for a good two hours! I think that is the FIRST time that he has napped for that long without being on my chest! This is life changing my friends! Don’t get me wrong, it totally freaks me out. I lay him in his bassinette in the living room and check him about every five minutes, you know, looking at his back to make sure it is moving up and down. But I feel like I have found a new freedom! AND the Dr said at his last check up that the better he sleeps during the day, the better he will sleep at night. I am so excited! I am seeing the light at the end of this sleepless tunnel!

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