Monday, June 9, 2008

A Week of Firsts

The boys all spent the night with my mom & dad last Saturday. I think Michael was 9 months old when we finally left him over night, we could never leave Mavrick because he was too attached to me (literally!) and now we leave Major at 6 weeks! Ha!Ha! Guess all that stuff they say about the third child are true! Date night was wonderful. I drank a beer for the first time in a LONG time! It was so good! I slept till 9:00 on Sunday morning! Needless to say, I was a new woman.

Major got a new swing this week. Each day he gets a little better about staying in it. He is taking naps in it. We have also subscribed to the Baby First channel, that he watches in the evening. Well, I think that he hears the music and can see the bright lights in the dark. Anyway, it fascinates him.

On Friday, I took the boys to the water park. We all had a blast. We got really sunburned! We were there from 12 to 6, and came home exhausted. Major stayed the day with mom and dad. He is my dad’s little buddy. It is amazing. Daddy really is fearless with him.

On Saturday, we went to a wedding reception. Another first for Major. The boys were great. I have really got amazing kids. Some people could not take their kids places without a lot of supervision. My boys occupied themselves, talked with people, and to my knowledge, didn’t make any trouble. I am so blessed! I was able to visit with some old friends and didn’t have to worry about them.

I was telling a story about Mavrick being a charmer at school and having to try harder this last year. He was so funny! He said “Yeah, I don’t make a lot of A’s.” Then when we got home, he said “Don’t tell people that I am a charmer ever again.”

This morning we went to the park. The boys played and fed the ducks. Major was a little hard to settle, then he passed out. He has been doing that a lot lately. Anyway, here are some pictures from this morning, and a few more from this week!

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