Needless to say, when last week came and went with out any ER visits, I was very happy. Of course we are having our share of colds and viscous allergies, but that kind of goes with the territory. Today, everyone is good!
The boys are amazing me everyday. Michael is growing so fast. I was looking at a picture of us from New Years Eve and realized that next year he will be taller than me! My first baby isn't even a little boy anymore! :(
Mavrick's had is finally feeling better, but his nose is still sore. I am just not sure what to do about it, so we will probably end up seeing an ENT if it goes on much longer. Poor kid. It seems like he is always seeing a Dr. but he takes it in such stride and with such a good attitude. Mark and I took Michael and Mav to see a dirt bike show on Saturday that was very cool. Mavrick wants to do that kind of stuff - jumps, flips, etc... and he has the guts to do it, but I did watch thinking "I don't know if I could watch my own kids do this stuff!" They both got new dirt bikes for Christmas, and it has just been too cold and/or wet to be on them much. They are a lot bigger than what they had, so we will see how they do. Praying for now more ER visits this year!
Then there is Major. He is talking like he is Oprah. His vocabulary and pronunciation is getting very good, and it is very seldom that I don't know what he is talking about. The best is when he says "momma, I yuv you." And then he will pucker up and kiss me with some big ol' lips that remind me of daddy's. Daddy had a big pucker. Major is also wanting a dirt bike. He talks about his dirt bike and where is it and that he wants to ride. We are kind of tossing around getting one for his birthday. They have training wheels...we shall see.
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