So Major and I ran a lot of errands today, and he didn't fall asleep in the car. About 4:00 he had finally settled down and was about to fall into la la land and the phone rang. It was Michael saying "get over here now! Mavrick fell off his bike and his nose is bleeding everywhere!" I grabbed Major up in his diaper, put him in the front seat of the car and drove as fast as I could (in a neighborhood setting) to their friend's house. I stopped and jumped out of the car and stated to run up to where Mav and a group of friends and a parent were standing. As I got closer, there was blood all over the sidewalk. I could see Mav standing there, tissue stuck in each nostril, blood on his shirt, jeans, shoes, hands and face. All he said was "mom, can you take me to the emergency room?" Well of course! After we go back to the house and get my shoes, and purse, and Major some pants, and shoes! Luckily, my neighbor and a mutual friend were out and helped get everyone dressed and in their correct seats. I just needed a Xanax!

We got to the ER and they saw him really very quickly. They examined him, did an x-ray of his wrist, that he fell on, and his face. They found no fractures, but did put a splint on his wrist saying that there could be smaller bones in the area that was in pain that could be fractured that the x-ray didn't pick up on.
The day ended with that good news, but has found us all exhausted! Even Mark said that when he hung up with me after my initial "I'm taking Mav to the ER" call that he had to take an anxiety pill!
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