Dear 2010,
You have by far been the worst year of my life. You have been brutal and hateful. You have almost killed me, and you have made me wish I was dead. So with all sincerity, 2010, I say Kiss My @$$ on your way out!

In case you missed it, that was my December 31st, 2010 FB post. And as one last kick in the butt, my hard drive crashed right after that. Nice. Anyway, we ended the year with a version of our annual NYE Party. It was fun, however did have a few unusual moments - but that is kind of normal. LOL!
Since I have been away, a lot has happened, but nothing earth shattering. I have been seeing a therapist, and we have figured out that I am codependent, which is ok because I can work on it. If you are not sure of the definition of codependent you really should look it up! I also took a trip to the coast, which really did me a lot of good, physically, mentally and emotionally. Thanksgiving came and went, and I have to say, we really just went through the motions. It sucked and Daddy was really missed! The week before Christmas, me and the kids went to Gulf Shores, AL., with mom and Christy and her family. It was an amazing trip, amazing accommodations, and the only thing that could have made it any better would have been to have Mark and Daddy with us.
We drove home on Christmas eve and got home in time to shower and jump in bed so Santa could come! Santa was good to all of us this year! Michael and Mavrick both got new dirt bikes, and Major just loved everything about the holiday! We had a steak lunch at Christy's in an effort to keep away from the old routine. Oddly, being out of town and having a different day took some of the edge off and emotionally, Christmas didn't suck as bad as Thanksgiving.
So, that brings us through to New Years, and here we are! The boys go back to school tomorrow, and I can tell it is going to be a BIG adjustment for Major, who has become very comfortable with having "Juh" (Michael) and "Mike" (Mavrick) home to play with ever day. Michael and Mavrick have both adjusted really well to going to public school. Michael is doing great and making all A's. Mavrick is struggling a little with the gaps between what Public School, Home School and Private School didn't overlap in. He still has a great attitude and is still very much a charmer!
Mark and I are doing a lot better. We have been working on converting the front sitting room into a dining room, which with him working about 80 hours a week is a challenge. And while the transformation has been slow, it has been nice to see things move along. We would both like to move, a little closer to his job, but the market just doesn't benefit us right now and we would lose a butt load of equity. So, we are trying to make it a house that we are happy with for a while longer. I have been saying, since we put down the wood floors, that we will get it exactly what we want, and then sell it.
Many of you have asked how my mom is doing. I guess she is as well as she possibly could be. The love of her life is gone, and she is having to learn how to live all over again. She told me on the way home from Gulf Shores that she prays that Christy and I would know a love so great that if we were in the same situation we would feel the same way. I know that sounds odd, but thought and reasoning behind it was very sweet. So, I guess that we could say, we all still need prayer and we are all still pretty messed up. But we know that God will bring us through to to the other side.
I guess that pretty much catches me up. I promise not be take another 3 month break this time.