Michael. Yes, Michael! He has a Hate/Hate, no win relationship with Math. He has since maybe 1st grade. In 3rd grade, he would have the assignments, but put them, well stuff them into his desk when he got bored and not complete or turn in the assignments. It was that point that I decided I needed to either sit in school with him or bring him home... we know how that worked out.
So, his 5th grade and 6th grade Math teachers have become my best friends. Really, this year I get as many emails from Ms. Groce as anyone else on my contact list. I guess the part that pisses me off the most is that he is a smart kid. Real smart. Perhaps too smart for his own good. He gets bored with the repetition of Math. To add to this, he missed several days during the first and second six weeks, so it was easy to fall behind.
Bless his poor little heart though. Mom has been here since my surgery, and she loves math! And, those of you who know my mom, know he isn't getting away with anything while she is here. They have been sitting at the kitchen table for 2 hours working together to get him caught up on his Math. And I am confident that when he goes to school in the morning, he will have all his assignments caught up!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
I'm a HysterSister!
I really should blog more. I don't know why I don't. Really my intentions were to go back at the end of each year and print the blog like a book and save for my grandkids to read. But this year has come and gone, and I haven't said much. LOL!
Anywho, let's play catch-up, for the grandkids sake! Well, we are in November now. Thanksgiving is a week from tomorrow! WOW! really, WOW! where has the year gone. Anyone who still reads this i feel certain already knows that I just had a hysterectomy. November is hysterectomy month :) If you recall, when I had Major in 2008, we almost had a tragic ending, and my body has pretty much been screwed up since then! My monthly visit from Mother Nature just sucked. I had considered it last year, but pretty much chickened out. Then, this year, when we had met our insurance deductible by July, I figured NOW was the time. Lucky for me, my GYN was trained on the DaVinci Robotic Hysterectomy in the year that I chickened out!
So, after much discussion and examination, we decided to do it. I like to think of it as just removing the old, rusty parts that I'm not going to use anymore. Of course, the only reference I had was when my mom had hers. I was in 6th grade, so probably 28 years ago. I just remember she was in bed for a LONG time. Later I found out that she wrote each one of us a letter just in case she died while in surgery! So, me, the one who will worry about not being worried, checked the morbidity rate for robotic hysterectomies. In case you are wondering - it is 1 in 600,000. Obviously, there wasn't much to worry about there. I considered writing letters, then decided that would only depress me and I don't have time for that.
As the boys all left for school last Thursday, I did feel sad. I told each one of them how wonderful they are and that I love them and would always love them. Once we got on the road to the Hospital I cried. I just had to release some of the anxiety. Mark said "why are you crying?" I said "I'm afraid." He said "afraid that you won't come home?" Then I boohooed. He told me I he was sorry, but that I would be coming home and I was not lucky enough to be 1 in 600,000 of anything. LOL! I love that man!
We got there, they prep'ed me for surgery and me, Mark and Mom had a chance to chat for a little while. I remember the Anesthesiologist putting a shot of something into my IV and saying, "OK, you have about 19 seconds." I said by to mom and Mark and they rolled me out of the room. Then, it seemed like 5 seconds later I was waking up and asking "have I had my surgery yet?" Indeed I had. It was a three hour surgery. That entire aspect of it is just remarkable to me.
I spent the night at the hospital and came home about 3pm on Friday. It has been a really great experience. The gas in my chest the first two days made me think I was going to die, which would freak me out, and in turn make the pain worse. But Friday night, Mark helped me work that out and it has been smooth sailing since then. Well, as far as recovery from surgery goes, anyway. Praise God!
Anywho, let's play catch-up, for the grandkids sake! Well, we are in November now. Thanksgiving is a week from tomorrow! WOW! really, WOW! where has the year gone. Anyone who still reads this i feel certain already knows that I just had a hysterectomy. November is hysterectomy month :) If you recall, when I had Major in 2008, we almost had a tragic ending, and my body has pretty much been screwed up since then! My monthly visit from Mother Nature just sucked. I had considered it last year, but pretty much chickened out. Then, this year, when we had met our insurance deductible by July, I figured NOW was the time. Lucky for me, my GYN was trained on the DaVinci Robotic Hysterectomy in the year that I chickened out!
So, after much discussion and examination, we decided to do it. I like to think of it as just removing the old, rusty parts that I'm not going to use anymore. Of course, the only reference I had was when my mom had hers. I was in 6th grade, so probably 28 years ago. I just remember she was in bed for a LONG time. Later I found out that she wrote each one of us a letter just in case she died while in surgery! So, me, the one who will worry about not being worried, checked the morbidity rate for robotic hysterectomies. In case you are wondering - it is 1 in 600,000. Obviously, there wasn't much to worry about there. I considered writing letters, then decided that would only depress me and I don't have time for that.
As the boys all left for school last Thursday, I did feel sad. I told each one of them how wonderful they are and that I love them and would always love them. Once we got on the road to the Hospital I cried. I just had to release some of the anxiety. Mark said "why are you crying?" I said "I'm afraid." He said "afraid that you won't come home?" Then I boohooed. He told me I he was sorry, but that I would be coming home and I was not lucky enough to be 1 in 600,000 of anything. LOL! I love that man!
We got there, they prep'ed me for surgery and me, Mark and Mom had a chance to chat for a little while. I remember the Anesthesiologist putting a shot of something into my IV and saying, "OK, you have about 19 seconds." I said by to mom and Mark and they rolled me out of the room. Then, it seemed like 5 seconds later I was waking up and asking "have I had my surgery yet?" Indeed I had. It was a three hour surgery. That entire aspect of it is just remarkable to me.
I spent the night at the hospital and came home about 3pm on Friday. It has been a really great experience. The gas in my chest the first two days made me think I was going to die, which would freak me out, and in turn make the pain worse. But Friday night, Mark helped me work that out and it has been smooth sailing since then. Well, as far as recovery from surgery goes, anyway. Praise God!
Friday, September 16, 2011
Whaaaaat a week!
What a week this has been. Of course everyone started off dog tired on Monday, just because it was Monday I suppose. Tuesday we had Michael's follow up appointment at Texas Scottish Rite Hospital. It was a good appointment. He wasn't much, well any, better on Tuesday then he was when they saw him four months ago. They decided to increase the dosage of his injection. We will return in two months to see how the increase has worked, and if it is good, then great. If he has not improved they will add a medication. In the mean time, they want us to get an MRI done on his right foot, which is giving him a lot of trouble. As a matter of fact, his range of motion had decreased in that foot from our last TSRH visit.
Michael and I had other Dr. appointments this week, so there was a lot of running around for us. Major has started "school" on Tuesday and Thursday, so I try to schedule as much as possible for when he is in school. When I am not able to make appointments on T/Th, mom comes over and stays with Major. We are so fortunate and blessed to have her so available to us! I don't know how we would make it without her!
I went to my Dr this morning, and she and I are finding it medically necessary for me to have a hysterectomy. I think that all the problems I had after delivering Major blew holes in my uterus, and it has been a piece of junk since then. Anyway, it looks like that will happen in November, prior to Thanksgiving. Obviously, I am very nervous about the surgery aspect of it, but I am very much looking forward to all the other stuff!
This afternoon is the "Howdy Dance" at Michael's school. He was very excited about this. I could tell that he was in pain this morning, but he didn't want to take crutches or his chair. He wanted to be able to walk into his first school dance. He is just an amazing little guy. He doesn't let it get him down most of the time, and whatever the situation is that day, he just deals with it. Only once or twice has he asked "why did this have to happen to me?" He is a blessing and an inspiration.
Last weekend, I took the boys over to Mom's for some dirt bike riding. Michael has a pretty big Kawasaki dirt bike. Literally, it is big. Anyway, he has decided that he is not going to ride it. He doesn't feel good about it or secure, at all, so this afternoon, while Michael is at the dance, Mavrick, Major and I are going to look at a 4-wheeler for him. I think that it should be perfect. Michael does want to ride, but is scared of hurting himself. Hopefully he will feel more secure on 4 wheels! It also has an automatic start, where the dirt bikes have a kick start, and this will make it easier for him to be self sufficient on his own bike.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Crazy Crappy Day
Today was the last day at the beach and in South Padre. I really enjoyed our trip down to south Texas. We had so much fun. The strange thing was, Mom and I seemed kind of rushed the whole trip.
We had arranged for a late check out of the hotel, so the day was supposed to have us going to the beach, swim a little, clean up pack and out of the hotel by 1:00, lunch in Brownsville then travel to San Antonio and arrive by 8:00. Sounds like a good plan, right?
We woke up, and the hotel we were at last night had a "breakfast." It was probably the crappiest breakfast I have ever seen. Of course, MOM of the YEAR told the kids they could eat the leftover pizza for breakfast. Major happened to be in the worst mood and didn't want to go to the beach. So after a brief "discussion" of who would take the older boys to the beach left me putting on my swim suit and Major finally agreeing to go.
Our hotel was only a block to the beach, but Major cried the entire time. We got to the beach and got all our stuff set up and Michael and Mavrick wanted me to walk out to a sandbar with them. I didn't want to. You see, I was a bit frightened. I don't like to go out into water that I can't see my feet. I will walk out that far, but when it gets to where I can't see my toenail polish I have gone far enough. So, with Major still crying and sitting on my hip, I started walking with all the boys and then I couldn't go anymore. Mavrick's face was burning. Major was crying. I was scared. So the three of us headed back to the hotel. Before we could get back to the car, Michael flagged us down and said it was too rough and that he and mom were going to go too. The whole trip to the beach was a bummer today.
We went to the pool and the boys swam while I washed the sand off of our stuff and mom went and vacuumed out the car. We got cleaned up and packed and loaded the car all by 1:00. Then we headed to Brownsville. It was a good opportunity for the boys to see a boarder town and experience a different culture. We had a not so good lunch that was made at a local restaurant. Then we walked around down town. So, Michael was scared. He kept saying it was a bad place and he didn't want to stay. The entire time he was freaked out. The whole trip to Brownsville was not a cool experience for Michael.
We got on the road headed north by 4:00. I started trying to get us a hotel in San Antonio about 5:00. Every time I would think I had a reservation made, we would lose service. I worked on this crap till I had a headache. Once I finally got a room reserved - like 2 hours later, mom says "we are almost out of gas, the light is on and it is 56 miles to the next gas station. I said a little prayer. I know mom was praying too. And out of no where, BEFORE we ran out of gas, there was a station that was not on the GPS. Yeah God! We were so thankful to have made it!
As we pulled up, mom jumped out to run to the restroom. As she got out, she took the keys out of the ignition and laid them on the console. However, I didn't know that, and when I got out I looked for the keys in the ignition and since they were not there, I locked the doors and went inside with the rest of the boys. Everyone had a potty break and we went back out to the car to find it locked. Ugggghhhh! Mom went in to try to make some phone calls. I started looking for someone who looked like they might know how to break into a car. It didn't take long till I had asked a guy who had a friend who knew a guy ... it wasn't very long until we had four men working on getting the car unlocked. And it wasn't long after that that they had the car door open. Thank you God!
We finally ended up in San Antonio about 9:00, so glad that the day is over because we are DONE!
We had arranged for a late check out of the hotel, so the day was supposed to have us going to the beach, swim a little, clean up pack and out of the hotel by 1:00, lunch in Brownsville then travel to San Antonio and arrive by 8:00. Sounds like a good plan, right?
We woke up, and the hotel we were at last night had a "breakfast." It was probably the crappiest breakfast I have ever seen. Of course, MOM of the YEAR told the kids they could eat the leftover pizza for breakfast. Major happened to be in the worst mood and didn't want to go to the beach. So after a brief "discussion" of who would take the older boys to the beach left me putting on my swim suit and Major finally agreeing to go.
Our hotel was only a block to the beach, but Major cried the entire time. We got to the beach and got all our stuff set up and Michael and Mavrick wanted me to walk out to a sandbar with them. I didn't want to. You see, I was a bit frightened. I don't like to go out into water that I can't see my feet. I will walk out that far, but when it gets to where I can't see my toenail polish I have gone far enough. So, with Major still crying and sitting on my hip, I started walking with all the boys and then I couldn't go anymore. Mavrick's face was burning. Major was crying. I was scared. So the three of us headed back to the hotel. Before we could get back to the car, Michael flagged us down and said it was too rough and that he and mom were going to go too. The whole trip to the beach was a bummer today.
We went to the pool and the boys swam while I washed the sand off of our stuff and mom went and vacuumed out the car. We got cleaned up and packed and loaded the car all by 1:00. Then we headed to Brownsville. It was a good opportunity for the boys to see a boarder town and experience a different culture. We had a not so good lunch that was made at a local restaurant. Then we walked around down town. So, Michael was scared. He kept saying it was a bad place and he didn't want to stay. The entire time he was freaked out. The whole trip to Brownsville was not a cool experience for Michael.
We got on the road headed north by 4:00. I started trying to get us a hotel in San Antonio about 5:00. Every time I would think I had a reservation made, we would lose service. I worked on this crap till I had a headache. Once I finally got a room reserved - like 2 hours later, mom says "we are almost out of gas, the light is on and it is 56 miles to the next gas station. I said a little prayer. I know mom was praying too. And out of no where, BEFORE we ran out of gas, there was a station that was not on the GPS. Yeah God! We were so thankful to have made it!
As we pulled up, mom jumped out to run to the restroom. As she got out, she took the keys out of the ignition and laid them on the console. However, I didn't know that, and when I got out I looked for the keys in the ignition and since they were not there, I locked the doors and went inside with the rest of the boys. Everyone had a potty break and we went back out to the car to find it locked. Ugggghhhh! Mom went in to try to make some phone calls. I started looking for someone who looked like they might know how to break into a car. It didn't take long till I had asked a guy who had a friend who knew a guy ... it wasn't very long until we had four men working on getting the car unlocked. And it wasn't long after that that they had the car door open. Thank you God!
We finally ended up in San Antonio about 9:00, so glad that the day is over because we are DONE!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
How did we get here?
Tomorrow I am putting Michael and Mavrick on a plane to Austin. They went for the first time summer before last. They are so excited! I think they have every alarm clock set in the house so nobody will sleep too late. Mavrick keeps saying "I can't believe it's tomorrow."
I keep thinking, where has the time gone? Michael will be 12 in October, which will make him old enough to fly by himself. (Right now they fly as unaccompanied minors) Mavrick just turned 10. They both seem so grown up at times. And I just keep asking myself "how did we get here?"
I was telling Mark earlier this week that it was just yesterday that Michael was a little bitty baby. So small that he was scary. His first Christmas was when we met Marla for the first time. We were in a two bedroom apartment, and Marla was very allergic to dogs, so she sat on the porch snuggling with little bitty Michael all wrapped up in blankets. I bet this trip to Austin is the time he is finally taller than Marla. Where has the time gone?
I am so proud of the young men they are becoming. I hope I am teaching them everything they need to know. I hope my example is good enough. I wish I could slow time down, just a little. I hope I am enjoying them enough! I can't wait to see who they grow up to be. Oh, so much, so much, I wish for them true love, true friendships, joy, and peace. Lots of peace.
Mark and I celebrate 18 years of being married next month. In February, we will have been together for 20 years! That is half my life! But it has gone so fast! We have come a long way from a little one bedroom apartment on the lake in Garland. But, WOW! that still seems like yesterday. When I think about where we've been, what we have gone through, and that we are still here, it is sometimes hard to believe that we made it this far. We are so blessed.
I keep thinking, where has the time gone? Michael will be 12 in October, which will make him old enough to fly by himself. (Right now they fly as unaccompanied minors) Mavrick just turned 10. They both seem so grown up at times. And I just keep asking myself "how did we get here?"
I was telling Mark earlier this week that it was just yesterday that Michael was a little bitty baby. So small that he was scary. His first Christmas was when we met Marla for the first time. We were in a two bedroom apartment, and Marla was very allergic to dogs, so she sat on the porch snuggling with little bitty Michael all wrapped up in blankets. I bet this trip to Austin is the time he is finally taller than Marla. Where has the time gone?
I am so proud of the young men they are becoming. I hope I am teaching them everything they need to know. I hope my example is good enough. I wish I could slow time down, just a little. I hope I am enjoying them enough! I can't wait to see who they grow up to be. Oh, so much, so much, I wish for them true love, true friendships, joy, and peace. Lots of peace.
Mark and I celebrate 18 years of being married next month. In February, we will have been together for 20 years! That is half my life! But it has gone so fast! We have come a long way from a little one bedroom apartment on the lake in Garland. But, WOW! that still seems like yesterday. When I think about where we've been, what we have gone through, and that we are still here, it is sometimes hard to believe that we made it this far. We are so blessed.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Where do I fit in?
Living in a house full of boys is usually fun. They are messy. They fight, argue and yell. They are smelly sometimes, and they are gross sometimes. But for the most part it is fun.
But lately, it has become for difficult. And I think it is due to Mark and my difference in upbringing. I was brought up in an atmosphere where you talked to each other, truthfully. We could trust each other. And we loved each other enough to be honest and let each other become people that we liked and that we wanted to be. Mark was raised in a different atmosphere...and I believe this is my source of irritation.
He feels that there are some things better left unsaid. Ok, I can agree with that. But I also feel like it is vitally important to have open communication and not be afraid to say or tell something that is even just the least bit important in who you are and who you are becoming. I think it is important to share stories of our days together - especially since he misses so much of that time!
Bottom line is that it just really pisses me off that I can't be who I am. I can no longer say what is on my mind, or tell cute stories of what the kids did, because it may embarrass them. I am having a real hard time figuring out where I fit in.
But lately, it has become for difficult. And I think it is due to Mark and my difference in upbringing. I was brought up in an atmosphere where you talked to each other, truthfully. We could trust each other. And we loved each other enough to be honest and let each other become people that we liked and that we wanted to be. Mark was raised in a different atmosphere...and I believe this is my source of irritation.
He feels that there are some things better left unsaid. Ok, I can agree with that. But I also feel like it is vitally important to have open communication and not be afraid to say or tell something that is even just the least bit important in who you are and who you are becoming. I think it is important to share stories of our days together - especially since he misses so much of that time!
Bottom line is that it just really pisses me off that I can't be who I am. I can no longer say what is on my mind, or tell cute stories of what the kids did, because it may embarrass them. I am having a real hard time figuring out where I fit in.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Mother's Day Weekend
Well, I had a lovely weekend with my mother on Saturday and being the mother on Sunday!
We have a pretty good system worked out. The Saturday before Mother's Day, Christy, Mom and I all spend some time together. She lets up be the mom on Mother's Day. Yesterday, we had lunch at the Cheesecake Factory and went shopping. It was fun to just be with them with out distractions. I laughed till I got a headache. Mom said she was exhausted and had to spend the night at Christy's. LOL! We had a really good day together!
Today, Mark had to work, but me and the boys got up and went to church. The sermon was excellent! Then we went and ate Bar-B-Q for lunch. We came home and I got to spend a little time with Mark, which was very nice because we haven't had a lot of time together lately. Then I took a nap with Major. When I woke up, Mark, with some help from Mav and Michael, had cleaned my car. This is a really big deal because my car was in really bad shape! And then, Michael and Mav asked me to go out to dinner and a movie with them.
It is amazing, but still after 3 years Michael and Mav still miss the mom they had before Major came along. Don't get me wrong. They love Major and would not trade for the world. But when it was just them things were A LOT different. Anyway, we went and had dinner and saw the movie "Soul Surfer." It was a really good movie. Very emotional and thought provoking for me. And the boys really enjoyed it too. So, I had a wonderful weekend. I am so blessed to have the mother I have, and to get to be a mother to my wonderful boys. Life is good!
We have a pretty good system worked out. The Saturday before Mother's Day, Christy, Mom and I all spend some time together. She lets up be the mom on Mother's Day. Yesterday, we had lunch at the Cheesecake Factory and went shopping. It was fun to just be with them with out distractions. I laughed till I got a headache. Mom said she was exhausted and had to spend the night at Christy's. LOL! We had a really good day together!
Today, Mark had to work, but me and the boys got up and went to church. The sermon was excellent! Then we went and ate Bar-B-Q for lunch. We came home and I got to spend a little time with Mark, which was very nice because we haven't had a lot of time together lately. Then I took a nap with Major. When I woke up, Mark, with some help from Mav and Michael, had cleaned my car. This is a really big deal because my car was in really bad shape! And then, Michael and Mav asked me to go out to dinner and a movie with them.
It is amazing, but still after 3 years Michael and Mav still miss the mom they had before Major came along. Don't get me wrong. They love Major and would not trade for the world. But when it was just them things were A LOT different. Anyway, we went and had dinner and saw the movie "Soul Surfer." It was a really good movie. Very emotional and thought provoking for me. And the boys really enjoyed it too. So, I had a wonderful weekend. I am so blessed to have the mother I have, and to get to be a mother to my wonderful boys. Life is good!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Where am I?
Well, somehow I have let it happen again. It feels like EVERY THING is moving out of control. Our house is under major construction. About 20 projects going and nothing completed. And I don't know where all my time is going. It seems as my day is chopped into small little increments and all these together have just got me at a tired standstill.
I guess my days are really a bit "off" with Michael on his weird schedule. I get up and get Mavrick to school, come home and get Michael up and going, get Major up and everyone fed and dressed. Then between 10 and 11 I take Michael to school and Major and I either go to the gym or to run errands. Lately, about the time we are finished with our errands Michael is calling and wanting to come home. Then in about an hour, Mavrick comes home. There is some time for laundry and dishes in there, and maybe some house keeping. Then dinner, baths and bedtime. Really, where does my day go? I don't know, but I can tell you this, I am exhausted!
**The best part of this post is that I forgot to publish it, so here I am a few days later putting it up. Priceless!**
I guess my days are really a bit "off" with Michael on his weird schedule. I get up and get Mavrick to school, come home and get Michael up and going, get Major up and everyone fed and dressed. Then between 10 and 11 I take Michael to school and Major and I either go to the gym or to run errands. Lately, about the time we are finished with our errands Michael is calling and wanting to come home. Then in about an hour, Mavrick comes home. There is some time for laundry and dishes in there, and maybe some house keeping. Then dinner, baths and bedtime. Really, where does my day go? I don't know, but I can tell you this, I am exhausted!
**The best part of this post is that I forgot to publish it, so here I am a few days later putting it up. Priceless!**
Friday, April 22, 2011
Good Friday
Today was Good Friday. Our first one in the public school arena. Denton ISD was originally closed today, but had class due to the bad weather days that we took earlier in the year.
Yesterday, I had some things to do and mom came over and picked up Michael for me. Well after a long turn of events, I decided that my boys could take off today, as long as they would discuss the true meaning of Good Friday. So of course they wanted to go to Honey's house. I think at first Michael wanted to go by himself, but Honey said "its all or nothing." So all three of them went.
I had a glorious day. I slept late, went shopping to complete my Easter ensemble,got a pedicure, made all the boys Easter baskets, did some laundry, and paid some bills. It was really nice to get so many things off my to do list.
I also applied for a small home improvement loan. We (more me then anyone) are considering putting a pool in. Swimming is supposed to be excellent therapy for people with arthritis. And, I have always wanted a pool. I am praying that if we are not supposed to put a pool in that for some reason we won't get the loan. I told God, "Now God, you know me. I need black or white. If we should do this let it work, if we should not, don't let us get the loan." I told the banker that was my prayer, so if it didn't work out I wouldn't be mad at him because it is a God thing. He laughed and said "I wish all my clients felt like that!"
This afternoon, I also looked at our last four bank statements. I was trying to make sure that we could afford a loan payment. Well, I know we can. Mark is supposed to be getting a little pay increase and we just paid off my car. But I wanted to see if there were things I could cut out that are just wasteful. I am totally embarrassed to admit, but there is in excess of $500 per month that is just wasted - BY ME! It is horrible! So, I am vowing to stop wasting money. Yep, you heard it here first - I am no longer wasting money. Between what I waste and my car payment, our family just got a $1,000 a month raise! Anyway, I am keeping my fingers crossed and my mind open and praying for good decisions and God's will.
Yesterday, I had some things to do and mom came over and picked up Michael for me. Well after a long turn of events, I decided that my boys could take off today, as long as they would discuss the true meaning of Good Friday. So of course they wanted to go to Honey's house. I think at first Michael wanted to go by himself, but Honey said "its all or nothing." So all three of them went.
I had a glorious day. I slept late, went shopping to complete my Easter ensemble,got a pedicure, made all the boys Easter baskets, did some laundry, and paid some bills. It was really nice to get so many things off my to do list.
I also applied for a small home improvement loan. We (more me then anyone) are considering putting a pool in. Swimming is supposed to be excellent therapy for people with arthritis. And, I have always wanted a pool. I am praying that if we are not supposed to put a pool in that for some reason we won't get the loan. I told God, "Now God, you know me. I need black or white. If we should do this let it work, if we should not, don't let us get the loan." I told the banker that was my prayer, so if it didn't work out I wouldn't be mad at him because it is a God thing. He laughed and said "I wish all my clients felt like that!"
This afternoon, I also looked at our last four bank statements. I was trying to make sure that we could afford a loan payment. Well, I know we can. Mark is supposed to be getting a little pay increase and we just paid off my car. But I wanted to see if there were things I could cut out that are just wasteful. I am totally embarrassed to admit, but there is in excess of $500 per month that is just wasted - BY ME! It is horrible! So, I am vowing to stop wasting money. Yep, you heard it here first - I am no longer wasting money. Between what I waste and my car payment, our family just got a $1,000 a month raise! Anyway, I am keeping my fingers crossed and my mind open and praying for good decisions and God's will.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Some GREAT news!
When I got home from taking the boys to Camden's house for the sleepover I checked the mail. GREAT! GREAT! GREAT news was waiting for us there. We had a letter from Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children. Michael had been accepted to their Arthritis clinic and they had set his first appointment for May 27th.
While this whole disease (it is very difficult for me to say that my child has a chronic disease - and it sucks!) has taken some time to diagnose and get in to see people, in the world of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, we have been blessed and have sped through the process. Once we had a pre-diagnosis of JA, we were seeing a specialist in 8 days. Then a week later we got an appointment at TSRHC which is just a little over a month away. I have spoken to and read about children that it has taken YEARS to get an accurate diagnosis and in to Scottish Rite. So, with out doubt, we are blessed to have things moving along so quickly.
Scottish Rite is one of the top Children's Hospitals in the world. I have never met anyone who had a negative thing to say about them. And the most amazing thing is that once you are accepted, there is no charge for their services! I don't even think I can wrap my head around that yet! When I picked up the boys today, I told Michael that I had received the letter with his appointment. Mavrick said "what does that mean?" Michael said "it means that I'm going to get better."
While this whole disease (it is very difficult for me to say that my child has a chronic disease - and it sucks!) has taken some time to diagnose and get in to see people, in the world of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, we have been blessed and have sped through the process. Once we had a pre-diagnosis of JA, we were seeing a specialist in 8 days. Then a week later we got an appointment at TSRHC which is just a little over a month away. I have spoken to and read about children that it has taken YEARS to get an accurate diagnosis and in to Scottish Rite. So, with out doubt, we are blessed to have things moving along so quickly.
Scottish Rite is one of the top Children's Hospitals in the world. I have never met anyone who had a negative thing to say about them. And the most amazing thing is that once you are accepted, there is no charge for their services! I don't even think I can wrap my head around that yet! When I picked up the boys today, I told Michael that I had received the letter with his appointment. Mavrick said "what does that mean?" Michael said "it means that I'm going to get better."
A Busy April Saturday
Yesterday I knew was going to be busy. As soon as my feet hit the floor, which was before anyone else in the house, I was busy preparing for Major's 3rd birthday party. I can not believe that child is 3! The last 3 years have flown by. So much has changed - it's just amazing. Anyway, pick up some, set up, off to pick up balloons and a cake, then the party. It was a busy morning indeed.
Major had a wonderful party. His cousins and his neighborhood friends were all here. It cracks me up that he doesn't even realize that he is the youngest! I swear he thinks he is at least 8! He was exhausted after the party, so I got to lay down with him for a little bit while he was taking his nap.
Then it was time to take Michael and Mavrick to a friend's birthday party. The party was at the Community Activity Center in Flower Mound. They ate pizza and cake, then went swimming for about two hours. I stayed because it was Michael's first event where he was having difficulty walking. The swimming was great and felt wonderful to him. There was a moment when I could tell that he was not happy. I went and talked with him and he said that he wasn't feeling included because he was not able to do all the things the other boys could. WOW how that breaks my heart. So we talked for a while about how he will have this for the rest of his life, but he won't always feel the way he feels today. He cried a little. I cried a little.
After swimming, they went to Camden's house to spend the night. There were 7 boys in all. His mom is a brave woman! Michael had already expressed concern that he would not be able to run around like the other boys, so I pulled Mavrick aside and told him that he needed to be mindful of Michael and his inability to do all the things that he used to, right now. I asked him to encourage the other boys to do things that Michael could do. Mavrick is being such a good help to Michael. Mark and I have been so blessed to have the amazing, caring and loving children that we do! I kept my phone by me all night, just in case Michael needed me to go get him. When I woke up this morning I kind of had a proud feeling for him. I knew he was going to be exhausted, but he stuck it out. I feel like that was the first of a few social hurdles that we will face, and I think we are both glad to have it behind him.
Major had a wonderful party. His cousins and his neighborhood friends were all here. It cracks me up that he doesn't even realize that he is the youngest! I swear he thinks he is at least 8! He was exhausted after the party, so I got to lay down with him for a little bit while he was taking his nap.
Then it was time to take Michael and Mavrick to a friend's birthday party. The party was at the Community Activity Center in Flower Mound. They ate pizza and cake, then went swimming for about two hours. I stayed because it was Michael's first event where he was having difficulty walking. The swimming was great and felt wonderful to him. There was a moment when I could tell that he was not happy. I went and talked with him and he said that he wasn't feeling included because he was not able to do all the things the other boys could. WOW how that breaks my heart. So we talked for a while about how he will have this for the rest of his life, but he won't always feel the way he feels today. He cried a little. I cried a little.
After swimming, they went to Camden's house to spend the night. There were 7 boys in all. His mom is a brave woman! Michael had already expressed concern that he would not be able to run around like the other boys, so I pulled Mavrick aside and told him that he needed to be mindful of Michael and his inability to do all the things that he used to, right now. I asked him to encourage the other boys to do things that Michael could do. Mavrick is being such a good help to Michael. Mark and I have been so blessed to have the amazing, caring and loving children that we do! I kept my phone by me all night, just in case Michael needed me to go get him. When I woke up this morning I kind of had a proud feeling for him. I knew he was going to be exhausted, but he stuck it out. I feel like that was the first of a few social hurdles that we will face, and I think we are both glad to have it behind him.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
What's normal?
Maybe it is a season I am in, but I have to wonder, "What is normal?" and "Am I normal?" I think I am obsessive. I think I am in denial about several things. I think I am an exhausted mother of three wonderful boys. I think I am co-dependent. I think I love the life I have.
I was talking with my neighbor, Kelly, today and we were discussing how we are tired, and have absolutely NO motivation. We agreed that in our minds we should not be allowed to own homes or care for children. LOL! OK, so I am being a bit dramatic, but this whole adult thing is not what I thought it was going to be. Don't get me wrong. Given the opportunity, I can't think of a thing that I would really change. Well, I would probably triple Mark's salary, but other than that, I'm in a pretty good place.
What I am trying to say, I guess, is that my car has french fries in the floorboard... my house is dusty... I hate to clean toilets... There is always more than one load of laundry that needs to be cleaned... I wear my hair in a ponytail because I would rather sleep an extra 20 minutes than use the flat iron... my floors need to be mopped...I think I still have a few Christmas decorations left out...I eat like a college student...I feed my kids too many fast food meals...I spend money on wasteful things...I am so not perfect! I am not even near the person I thought I would be.
And that brings me to...Are any of us? Are any of us who we thought we would grow up to be? And is that normal? Is my idea of normal just something that the media and society helped to create? Is my idea of normal just another idea that should be put on a shelf with the airbrushed body I will never have? Or am I normal - Are we all somewhat screwed up? Did we all had these visions of perfection and have fallen short of what/who we thought we would grow up to be? Maybe we haven't fallen short, but just totally different. What is normal?
I was talking with my neighbor, Kelly, today and we were discussing how we are tired, and have absolutely NO motivation. We agreed that in our minds we should not be allowed to own homes or care for children. LOL! OK, so I am being a bit dramatic, but this whole adult thing is not what I thought it was going to be. Don't get me wrong. Given the opportunity, I can't think of a thing that I would really change. Well, I would probably triple Mark's salary, but other than that, I'm in a pretty good place.
What I am trying to say, I guess, is that my car has french fries in the floorboard... my house is dusty... I hate to clean toilets... There is always more than one load of laundry that needs to be cleaned... I wear my hair in a ponytail because I would rather sleep an extra 20 minutes than use the flat iron... my floors need to be mopped...I think I still have a few Christmas decorations left out...I eat like a college student...I feed my kids too many fast food meals...I spend money on wasteful things...I am so not perfect! I am not even near the person I thought I would be.
And that brings me to...Are any of us? Are any of us who we thought we would grow up to be? And is that normal? Is my idea of normal just something that the media and society helped to create? Is my idea of normal just another idea that should be put on a shelf with the airbrushed body I will never have? Or am I normal - Are we all somewhat screwed up? Did we all had these visions of perfection and have fallen short of what/who we thought we would grow up to be? Maybe we haven't fallen short, but just totally different. What is normal?
More "what if's"
Michael and Mavrick are going to a birthday party this weekend. Their best friend from Temple, Camden, is having a party on Saturday, and then the boys are going to spend the night at Camden's house.
It occurred to me that EVERYTHING is different from the last time they went to a party or spent the night at a friend's house. I was talking to Camden's mom on the phone tonight and asked if it would be ok if I attended the party with the boys. Really, I don't know how Michael will be feeling. What if he is in pain and is in his chair? What if he feels fine and has the chair and doesn't need it? What if he is sick from his injection? So many "what if's" I have been saying that for weeks now.
One good thing is that I really trust Camden's mom. She is a nurse, so if there were problems I know that she could handle things until I could get to him. They live with her parents in Flower Mound, so it's not like I am sending them off. All of this seems new again. WOW! So many changes.
It occurred to me that EVERYTHING is different from the last time they went to a party or spent the night at a friend's house. I was talking to Camden's mom on the phone tonight and asked if it would be ok if I attended the party with the boys. Really, I don't know how Michael will be feeling. What if he is in pain and is in his chair? What if he feels fine and has the chair and doesn't need it? What if he is sick from his injection? So many "what if's" I have been saying that for weeks now.
One good thing is that I really trust Camden's mom. She is a nurse, so if there were problems I know that she could handle things until I could get to him. They live with her parents in Flower Mound, so it's not like I am sending them off. All of this seems new again. WOW! So many changes.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Major Surprise is turning 3!
I know the last several posts have been to get everything off my chest about Michael, BUT there are a few other men in my life!
Major will turn 3 this Saturday. It seems like yesterday when I put on my fat jeans and they were tight, picked up a pregnancy test, and cried my eyes out in my boss' office because I was pregnant. And now, I can not, and would not, want to imagine my life without that fantastic little man. He fills my days with joy and laughter. He fills my nights with kicks and bulging diapers. He makes us all happy, and has given Mark and I another chance to appreciate this gift from God. He is the most amazing surprise of my entire life! Thank you God for giving me what I didn't know I needed!
Major will turn 3 this Saturday. It seems like yesterday when I put on my fat jeans and they were tight, picked up a pregnancy test, and cried my eyes out in my boss' office because I was pregnant. And now, I can not, and would not, want to imagine my life without that fantastic little man. He fills my days with joy and laughter. He fills my nights with kicks and bulging diapers. He makes us all happy, and has given Mark and I another chance to appreciate this gift from God. He is the most amazing surprise of my entire life! Thank you God for giving me what I didn't know I needed!
The story continues...
So, picking up where I left off in the last post, the ER doctor made us an appointment with a Pediatric Rheumatologist at Children's in Southlake. We went last Friday, the 8th. She confirmed Juvenile Arthritis. Michael has been prescribed a once a week injection that we will do at home. We will start it this Friday.
Everyday, we try to make him go to school, at least for a short time. I take him to the office, usually between 10 and 11. He gets into the school's wheelchair and wheels himself down the the hall to class. The first day he went back he was pretty nervous. Who could blame him? One of the office staff took him back that day, and said that the whole classed applauded when he came in. I cried when she told me that. I usually cry every morning when I drop him off. He is just so amazing. He is so brave and strong. He doesn't complain or ask why did this happen to me. He is amazing!
Yesterday, we had to take him for a blood draw. Apparently his veins are small and deep. The nurse stuck him once with no luck. Another one stuck him again with no luck. Finally, one of the Dr.'s got a sonogram machine and found a vein and they stuck him there and it worked. Another time he had to have blood drawn they had to stick him three times. He just wants someone to hold on to when they stick him.
Yesterday, I also went and got him a handicap tag for the car. Yes, I stood there in the Denton County Tax Office, crying at the counter. It just seems like the whole world is changing - again. Like everything is moving forward and I am standing there watching it pass by. You never imagine standing in line to get your child a handicap parking tag. You never imagine watching your child wheel himself down the hall. I admire him so much. I think I love him now more then I ever have. He amazes me!
Everyday, we try to make him go to school, at least for a short time. I take him to the office, usually between 10 and 11. He gets into the school's wheelchair and wheels himself down the the hall to class. The first day he went back he was pretty nervous. Who could blame him? One of the office staff took him back that day, and said that the whole classed applauded when he came in. I cried when she told me that. I usually cry every morning when I drop him off. He is just so amazing. He is so brave and strong. He doesn't complain or ask why did this happen to me. He is amazing!
Yesterday, we had to take him for a blood draw. Apparently his veins are small and deep. The nurse stuck him once with no luck. Another one stuck him again with no luck. Finally, one of the Dr.'s got a sonogram machine and found a vein and they stuck him there and it worked. Another time he had to have blood drawn they had to stick him three times. He just wants someone to hold on to when they stick him.
Yesterday, I also went and got him a handicap tag for the car. Yes, I stood there in the Denton County Tax Office, crying at the counter. It just seems like the whole world is changing - again. Like everything is moving forward and I am standing there watching it pass by. You never imagine standing in line to get your child a handicap parking tag. You never imagine watching your child wheel himself down the hall. I admire him so much. I think I love him now more then I ever have. He amazes me!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Getting to the bottom of it - kind of
Michael had been complaining about his legs hurting for a few weeks before we went on Spring Break. At first, Mark told him that his body was not built to be carrying the weight that it was and the he needed less food and more exercise. Then we thought maybe his shoes were not giving him enough support, so we got him new shoes. Then we went on Spring Break, and when we got home his ankles were swollen. I took him to the Dr. the week after we got home. The Dr. sent us for blood work, and then sent us to an orthopedic. The orthopedic said that Michael had severely flat feet and to purchase some good insoles to give him support. So, we did, and the next day I took him to join his class at camp.
This was THE camp that the 5th grade looks forward to all year. He missed the first day, so I drove him down on Thursday, he spent the night and then they came home on Friday. As soon as I found him, the first thing out of his mouth was "Mom, I shouldn't have gone! My feet and legs hurt so bad!" Come to find out, one of the father's had pushed him around in a wheel chair for most of his stay. He was pretty much miserable. It was disappointing for him, but I think he matured a lot during that time.
So, he stayed off his feet for the entire weekend trying to recover. He still was not ok to walk on his own very long, and by Tuesday, we had to find some answers. That was when I took him to Children's Hospital in Allen. The ER doctor, Kelly Phillips, was amazing. She said that our pediatrician had wanted her to try to rule out Juvenile Arthritis, but because of the symptoms, the presentation, and some blood test, she was not able to rule it out at all. Dr. Phillip was amazing and immediately took the bull by the horns. She found us a pediatric rheumatologist and made us an appointment. As a side bar, apparently there is a HUGE shortage of this specialty and to be able to get us in anywhere in 8 business days was no less than a miracle! She also completed and submitted all the paperwork to have him be "put on the list" at Scottish Rite Hospital in Dallas. In the waiting time, she prescribed an anti-inflammatory. We left with a fairly certain diagnosis of Juvenile Arthritis
This was THE camp that the 5th grade looks forward to all year. He missed the first day, so I drove him down on Thursday, he spent the night and then they came home on Friday. As soon as I found him, the first thing out of his mouth was "Mom, I shouldn't have gone! My feet and legs hurt so bad!" Come to find out, one of the father's had pushed him around in a wheel chair for most of his stay. He was pretty much miserable. It was disappointing for him, but I think he matured a lot during that time.
So, he stayed off his feet for the entire weekend trying to recover. He still was not ok to walk on his own very long, and by Tuesday, we had to find some answers. That was when I took him to Children's Hospital in Allen. The ER doctor, Kelly Phillips, was amazing. She said that our pediatrician had wanted her to try to rule out Juvenile Arthritis, but because of the symptoms, the presentation, and some blood test, she was not able to rule it out at all. Dr. Phillip was amazing and immediately took the bull by the horns. She found us a pediatric rheumatologist and made us an appointment. As a side bar, apparently there is a HUGE shortage of this specialty and to be able to get us in anywhere in 8 business days was no less than a miracle! She also completed and submitted all the paperwork to have him be "put on the list" at Scottish Rite Hospital in Dallas. In the waiting time, she prescribed an anti-inflammatory. We left with a fairly certain diagnosis of Juvenile Arthritis
February and March
Ok, I have been away. And as usual, my head is so full of stuff that I don't even know where to begin. So, forgive me if I ramble! The last time I posted was the end of January, right after Mav's accident and Mark's accident.
What did February bring us?
Mark's wonderful Grandmother passed away in February. She had been sick on and off for several years. She was 94, and had been married to Mark's Granddad for 77 years! I know she is in Heaven with a crown of jewels. And even though she always seemed to ask me if I had gained weight, I thought she was precious! I can only hope and pray to live such a long and beautiful, blessed life.
February also brought us a planned weekend for Mark and I to get away. I booked a hotel in Dallas, had the kids going to mom's, etc... and Major got major sick! The whole nine yards - vomit, fever, nasty poo! It was bad. So, Michael and Mavrick went to mom's and Mark and I spend the weekend taking care of Major.
How about March you ask?
Let's see, March 1st was mom's birthday - her first one without daddy. March 3rd was the 21st anniversary of my brother's death. March 6th was my dad's birthday. The boys had spring break and I turned 40 in the same week also.
The first week of March Mavrick spent two nights in the hospital with pneumonia and breathing issues. Funny, that sounds really bad, but our insurance is refusing to pay for the stay because it "wasn't necessary."
For Spring Break, Mom and I took the boys to Memphis and Nashville, TN. It was really a nice trip. We drove to Memphis the first night and spent two nights there. We saw Graceland, ate some Memphis Bar-B-Q, and walked Beale Street. Then we drove to Nashville. Mom and I both agreed that we could live in Nashville. It was a very nice city. Mavrick and I took a ghost tour one night. We all went to the Country Music Hall of Fame - which was amazing! We walked around downtown and just really enjoyed the city. Michael had been having some issues with his ankles and feet and used Mom's walking stick a lot of the trip.
What did February bring us?
Mark's wonderful Grandmother passed away in February. She had been sick on and off for several years. She was 94, and had been married to Mark's Granddad for 77 years! I know she is in Heaven with a crown of jewels. And even though she always seemed to ask me if I had gained weight, I thought she was precious! I can only hope and pray to live such a long and beautiful, blessed life.
February also brought us a planned weekend for Mark and I to get away. I booked a hotel in Dallas, had the kids going to mom's, etc... and Major got major sick! The whole nine yards - vomit, fever, nasty poo! It was bad. So, Michael and Mavrick went to mom's and Mark and I spend the weekend taking care of Major.
How about March you ask?
Let's see, March 1st was mom's birthday - her first one without daddy. March 3rd was the 21st anniversary of my brother's death. March 6th was my dad's birthday. The boys had spring break and I turned 40 in the same week also.
The first week of March Mavrick spent two nights in the hospital with pneumonia and breathing issues. Funny, that sounds really bad, but our insurance is refusing to pay for the stay because it "wasn't necessary."
For Spring Break, Mom and I took the boys to Memphis and Nashville, TN. It was really a nice trip. We drove to Memphis the first night and spent two nights there. We saw Graceland, ate some Memphis Bar-B-Q, and walked Beale Street. Then we drove to Nashville. Mom and I both agreed that we could live in Nashville. It was a very nice city. Mavrick and I took a ghost tour one night. We all went to the Country Music Hall of Fame - which was amazing! We walked around downtown and just really enjoyed the city. Michael had been having some issues with his ankles and feet and used Mom's walking stick a lot of the trip.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Finally setteling down
Well, in my previous post talked about Mavrick and his accident the first week of the new year. The following Wednesday, Mark slipped getting out of the shower and nearly ripped his little toe off. We spent that morning back at the ER getting x-rays on his foot and stitches.
He finally got them out today, but is still limping around. His foot wasn't broke, but still hurts a lot.
Needless to say, when last week came and went with out any ER visits, I was very happy. Of course we are having our share of colds and viscous allergies, but that kind of goes with the territory. Today, everyone is good!
The boys are amazing me everyday. Michael is growing so fast. I was looking at a picture of us from New Years Eve and realized that next year he will be taller than me! My first baby isn't even a little boy anymore! :(
It is amazing to me how quickly they grow and change. And how everyday is a new adventure. He keeps seeming to put on 10 pounds and then will shoot up 3 inches. I am afraid that he will have the same battles with food and weight that I always have. He is also built like a Johnston. Enough said!
Mavrick's had is finally feeling better, but his nose is still sore. I am just not sure what to do about it, so we will probably end up seeing an ENT if it goes on much longer. Poor kid. It seems like he is always seeing a Dr. but he takes it in such stride and with such a good attitude. Mark and I took Michael and Mav to see a dirt bike show on Saturday that was very cool. Mavrick wants to do that kind of stuff - jumps, flips, etc... and he has the guts to do it, but I did watch thinking "I don't know if I could watch my own kids do this stuff!" They both got new dirt bikes for Christmas, and it has just been too cold and/or wet to be on them much. They are a lot bigger than what they had, so we will see how they do. Praying for now more ER visits this year!
Then there is Major. He is talking like he is Oprah. His vocabulary and pronunciation is getting very good, and it is very seldom that I don't know what he is talking about. The best is when he says "momma, I yuv you." And then he will pucker up and kiss me with some big ol' lips that remind me of daddy's. Daddy had a big pucker. Major is also wanting a dirt bike. He talks about his dirt bike and where is it and that he wants to ride. We are kind of tossing around getting one for his birthday. They have training wheels...we shall see.
Needless to say, when last week came and went with out any ER visits, I was very happy. Of course we are having our share of colds and viscous allergies, but that kind of goes with the territory. Today, everyone is good!
The boys are amazing me everyday. Michael is growing so fast. I was looking at a picture of us from New Years Eve and realized that next year he will be taller than me! My first baby isn't even a little boy anymore! :(
Mavrick's had is finally feeling better, but his nose is still sore. I am just not sure what to do about it, so we will probably end up seeing an ENT if it goes on much longer. Poor kid. It seems like he is always seeing a Dr. but he takes it in such stride and with such a good attitude. Mark and I took Michael and Mav to see a dirt bike show on Saturday that was very cool. Mavrick wants to do that kind of stuff - jumps, flips, etc... and he has the guts to do it, but I did watch thinking "I don't know if I could watch my own kids do this stuff!" They both got new dirt bikes for Christmas, and it has just been too cold and/or wet to be on them much. They are a lot bigger than what they had, so we will see how they do. Praying for now more ER visits this year!
Then there is Major. He is talking like he is Oprah. His vocabulary and pronunciation is getting very good, and it is very seldom that I don't know what he is talking about. The best is when he says "momma, I yuv you." And then he will pucker up and kiss me with some big ol' lips that remind me of daddy's. Daddy had a big pucker. Major is also wanting a dirt bike. He talks about his dirt bike and where is it and that he wants to ride. We are kind of tossing around getting one for his birthday. They have training wheels...we shall see.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
ER Visit
So Major and I ran a lot of errands today, and he didn't fall asleep in the car. About 4:00 he had finally settled down and was about to fall into la la land and the phone rang. It was Michael saying "get over here now! Mavrick fell off his bike and his nose is bleeding everywhere!" I grabbed Major up in his diaper, put him in the front seat of the car and drove as fast as I could (in a neighborhood setting) to their friend's house. I stopped and jumped out of the car and stated to run up to where Mav and a group of friends and a parent were standing. As I got closer, there was blood all over the sidewalk. I could see Mav standing there, tissue stuck in each nostril, blood on his shirt, jeans, shoes, hands and face. All he said was "mom, can you take me to the emergency room?" Well of course! After we go back to the house and get my shoes, and purse, and Major some pants, and shoes! Luckily, my neighbor and a mutual friend were out and helped get everyone dressed and in their correct seats. I just needed a Xanax!

We got to the ER and they saw him really very quickly. They examined him, did an x-ray of his wrist, that he fell on, and his face. They found no fractures, but did put a splint on his wrist saying that there could be smaller bones in the area that was in pain that could be fractured that the x-ray didn't pick up on.
The day ended with that good news, but has found us all exhausted! Even Mark said that when he hung up with me after my initial "I'm taking Mav to the ER" call that he had to take an anxiety pill!

We got to the ER and they saw him really very quickly. They examined him, did an x-ray of his wrist, that he fell on, and his face. They found no fractures, but did put a splint on his wrist saying that there could be smaller bones in the area that was in pain that could be fractured that the x-ray didn't pick up on.
The day ended with that good news, but has found us all exhausted! Even Mark said that when he hung up with me after my initial "I'm taking Mav to the ER" call that he had to take an anxiety pill!
Monday, January 3, 2011
Happy New Year!
Dear 2010,
You have by far been the worst year of my life. You have been brutal and hateful. You have almost killed me, and you have made me wish I was dead. So with all sincerity, 2010, I say Kiss My @$$ on your way out!

In case you missed it, that was my December 31st, 2010 FB post. And as one last kick in the butt, my hard drive crashed right after that. Nice. Anyway, we ended the year with a version of our annual NYE Party. It was fun, however did have a few unusual moments - but that is kind of normal. LOL!
Since I have been away, a lot has happened, but nothing earth shattering. I have been seeing a therapist, and we have figured out that I am codependent, which is ok because I can work on it. If you are not sure of the definition of codependent you really should look it up! I also took a trip to the coast, which really did me a lot of good, physically, mentally and emotionally. Thanksgiving came and went, and I have to say, we really just went through the motions. It sucked and Daddy was really missed! The week before Christmas, me and the kids went to Gulf Shores, AL., with mom and Christy and her family. It was an amazing trip, amazing accommodations, and the only thing that could have made it any better would have been to have Mark and Daddy with us.
We drove home on Christmas eve and got home in time to shower and jump in bed so Santa could come! Santa was good to all of us this year! Michael and Mavrick both got new dirt bikes, and Major just loved everything about the holiday! We had a steak lunch at Christy's in an effort to keep away from the old routine. Oddly, being out of town and having a different day took some of the edge off and emotionally, Christmas didn't suck as bad as Thanksgiving.
So, that brings us through to New Years, and here we are! The boys go back to school tomorrow, and I can tell it is going to be a BIG adjustment for Major, who has become very comfortable with having "Juh" (Michael) and "Mike" (Mavrick) home to play with ever day. Michael and Mavrick have both adjusted really well to going to public school. Michael is doing great and making all A's. Mavrick is struggling a little with the gaps between what Public School, Home School and Private School didn't overlap in. He still has a great attitude and is still very much a charmer!
Mark and I are doing a lot better. We have been working on converting the front sitting room into a dining room, which with him working about 80 hours a week is a challenge. And while the transformation has been slow, it has been nice to see things move along. We would both like to move, a little closer to his job, but the market just doesn't benefit us right now and we would lose a butt load of equity. So, we are trying to make it a house that we are happy with for a while longer. I have been saying, since we put down the wood floors, that we will get it exactly what we want, and then sell it.
Many of you have asked how my mom is doing. I guess she is as well as she possibly could be. The love of her life is gone, and she is having to learn how to live all over again. She told me on the way home from Gulf Shores that she prays that Christy and I would know a love so great that if we were in the same situation we would feel the same way. I know that sounds odd, but thought and reasoning behind it was very sweet. So, I guess that we could say, we all still need prayer and we are all still pretty messed up. But we know that God will bring us through to to the other side.
I guess that pretty much catches me up. I promise not be take another 3 month break this time.
You have by far been the worst year of my life. You have been brutal and hateful. You have almost killed me, and you have made me wish I was dead. So with all sincerity, 2010, I say Kiss My @$$ on your way out!
In case you missed it, that was my December 31st, 2010 FB post. And as one last kick in the butt, my hard drive crashed right after that. Nice. Anyway, we ended the year with a version of our annual NYE Party. It was fun, however did have a few unusual moments - but that is kind of normal. LOL!
Since I have been away, a lot has happened, but nothing earth shattering. I have been seeing a therapist, and we have figured out that I am codependent, which is ok because I can work on it. If you are not sure of the definition of codependent you really should look it up! I also took a trip to the coast, which really did me a lot of good, physically, mentally and emotionally. Thanksgiving came and went, and I have to say, we really just went through the motions. It sucked and Daddy was really missed! The week before Christmas, me and the kids went to Gulf Shores, AL., with mom and Christy and her family. It was an amazing trip, amazing accommodations, and the only thing that could have made it any better would have been to have Mark and Daddy with us.
We drove home on Christmas eve and got home in time to shower and jump in bed so Santa could come! Santa was good to all of us this year! Michael and Mavrick both got new dirt bikes, and Major just loved everything about the holiday! We had a steak lunch at Christy's in an effort to keep away from the old routine. Oddly, being out of town and having a different day took some of the edge off and emotionally, Christmas didn't suck as bad as Thanksgiving.
So, that brings us through to New Years, and here we are! The boys go back to school tomorrow, and I can tell it is going to be a BIG adjustment for Major, who has become very comfortable with having "Juh" (Michael) and "Mike" (Mavrick) home to play with ever day. Michael and Mavrick have both adjusted really well to going to public school. Michael is doing great and making all A's. Mavrick is struggling a little with the gaps between what Public School, Home School and Private School didn't overlap in. He still has a great attitude and is still very much a charmer!
Mark and I are doing a lot better. We have been working on converting the front sitting room into a dining room, which with him working about 80 hours a week is a challenge. And while the transformation has been slow, it has been nice to see things move along. We would both like to move, a little closer to his job, but the market just doesn't benefit us right now and we would lose a butt load of equity. So, we are trying to make it a house that we are happy with for a while longer. I have been saying, since we put down the wood floors, that we will get it exactly what we want, and then sell it.
Many of you have asked how my mom is doing. I guess she is as well as she possibly could be. The love of her life is gone, and she is having to learn how to live all over again. She told me on the way home from Gulf Shores that she prays that Christy and I would know a love so great that if we were in the same situation we would feel the same way. I know that sounds odd, but thought and reasoning behind it was very sweet. So, I guess that we could say, we all still need prayer and we are all still pretty messed up. But we know that God will bring us through to to the other side.
I guess that pretty much catches me up. I promise not be take another 3 month break this time.
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