Friday, May 29, 2009

Revolving Doggie Door

Some of you know my dog saga, for those of you who don’t, I will give a brief review. Mark and I met in 1991. He had a dog named lady. She was about 3, she lived as our daughter until she passed in 2005, that was about 16 years for those of you slow in math. About 2 years ago I surprised the family with a sweet little year old long haired dog (Macey, the shit zoo). Mark would not let her stay. After 2 weeks, she became my dad’s dog, and they have lived happily ever after. Not long after that I got us a pug named Megan. She was with us a little over a year. Mark never liked her. She stunk. She was a sweet dog, but just not the lap dog that we had wanted. In the mean time, I got pregnant, and she was just going to be too much with a baby. So, we gave her to a family that had a little boy pug, and now she is spoiled and sleeps in the bed with her mommy and daddy. So around about last July, I adopted a Terrier mix. This dog was one rock short of a full load. She was just a mess, and perhaps just untrainable. We called her Maddie. She was so hyper and just WAY TOO MUCH for me to handle. In October I took Maddie back, and the boys didn’t even notice she was gone for over a week! Needless to say, I have taken some crap off the neighbors and some friends for the revolving doggie door that we seemed to have around here. It was well deserved.

Finally, in February of this year, I started looking for a Chihuahua. Then, the next week we had the flood at the house and had to move out. Praise God that I didn’t move too quickly on that. But, now that we are home, and it is summer and the boys are at home, I decided to get a puppy…so I did.

Mav and baby Chloe

Our two babies, Major and Chloe

Mavrick went with me to Alverado last week to get her, and on the way home he named her Chloe. Yes, it is a turn from our “M” names, but change is good. She is an 8 week old Chihuahua, and is expected to get to be about 5 or 6 pounds. The boys have been very helpful with her so far, and Major is learning to tell her “down!” She is going to be a great addition to our family. She already sleeps with me and Mark!

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