Sidebar – our dream is to build a big two story antebellum home and fill it with antiques from our families past. When my Granny died and Pop-paw got remarried, his wife wanted to move a lot of the old stuff out and some of her stuff in. There were some things that I really wanted, so we begged, borrowed, and traded to make that happen. When Mark’s grandmother died, there were some items that he really wanted and was afraid would end up in some strangers basement if we didn’t take them. So, we have a garage, and several rooms full of antiques that have history to our family and us, but we really don’t have room for them. I rented a storage building to store what was inside the house when we started preparing things for Major.
Alright. Mom had planned to help me and Dad was going to come along with Major and help too. Well, Pop-paw fell on Thursday, and mom took him to the hospital, where they admitted him, so she wasn’t going to be able to help. Dad was going to, but I told him just to stay at home with Major and I would do it. After all, I had moved all of it before at one time or another.
I got up Friday and took Major to dad at 8:00. I had to run an errand up to Denton then went to the U-haul to get a trailer. I am already kind of nervous because I have never driven with a trailer in tow. They get me a trailer assigned and ask me where the hitch ball is. I have no idea! So, I have to buy one. They hook me up, wish me luck and I drive around the parking lot to get a feel for it. Not too bad, so I am off!
I go down the street to the storage building. OK, I hate this storage building. I can NEVER get the door to go up easily. This was no exception. Once I get it up a little I see that there is a huge ant mound that is ON the door on the inside. It takes me a good five minutes to get this God forsaken thing up! And every time I get it to move an inch, more ants drop on me. By the time it is fully opened and staying up on it’s own, I have pulled every muscle in my body, and have ants in my hair, in my clothes, in my shoes, and one little bastard bit me on the finger.
Now, it is time to load the trailer. This is a 4x8 trailer. I had to stack stuff, pull it out and shove other stuff in. I was sweating like a fool! Filled my car too. Then I was down to one item. This little dresser that I can not get in anywhere. I sat down on the ground and started praying, “God, give me strength to cram this thing in there without breaking it. Please God, just help my muscles hold out till I get this in there.” I caught my breath, lifted that thing with all the strength I could muster, and crammed it in the trailer. The damn thing hung over about ¼ of an inch. Well, I could take about half the stuff out, squeeze my fat butt down the side of the couch that was loaded with tables stacked on it and TRY to move it with one arm a little closer, OR I could pray like hell that when I leaned up against the door to push it shut nothing would break. I chose the latter. I pulled out of the storage facility just after 10:20.
I am traveling down I35 to Hwy 121 and busting right down the middle of downtown Fort Worth, because my mom has the keys to Pops house in her car. Her car is with her at the hospital in downtown. Did I mention I had never drove pulling a trailer before? I was a nervous wreck!!! I finally get there and get the keys and continue over to Weatherford. It must have taken forever to get over there. Look how serious and freaked out I am!

I go into the house and walk out to the garage. The garage door on the side that does not have the car in front of it I can’t get open. There is some kind of brackets preventing it from opening that I figure are there for security purposes. Fine, I will move the car out, move the stuff in, and then move the car back in. I open the garage door, get the car keys and try to start the car. It doesn’t start… of course not, it hasn’t been run in months and the battery is dead. I can’t drag the couch in with just the little bit of room that is at the end of the car, so I drag it into the house. I drag a desk into the house also. I rearrange some furniture in the house so it doesn’t look like a furniture showroom. Then I unloaded the rest into the garage. Thank you Lord! I didn’t pass out! I go to close the garage door and it jams. I push the button, it moves about six inches, then comes back up. Seriously! So I go and try to pull on it. Nothing! I go back to the button. Again, I am praying. This time for mercy. God just give me a break! Put the button, it moves about six inches, then comes back up. There is this cord hanging over the car, and I hope it doesn’t do anything harmful. I pull it and my arm nearly yanks off! I guess that would be an emergency release.

I got back on the road, back over to the U-haul place, unhooked and paid out by 3:15. I was just a little late picking up the boys, but I am glad to be back and have that behind me. Now, on to Trick or Treat!
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