Tuesday, I went back to my Dr. My blood pressure was really good, but I was so weak! My dad is still carting me around town and carrying the baby for me. Anyway, my Dr said to keep taking the meds and come back on Friday.
Wednesday, we went to Major’s 2 week check up. They said he looks perfect, when they weighed him he had only gotten back up to 7.10 from the 7.15 he was born at. The Dr told me to start feeding him every two hours! Really! Do I not look tired enough already? Daddy had to carry Major to be weighed because I was so weak I thought I would drop to the floor any second. So, we have started supplementing with a bottle. Major is doing fine and has not refused the breast yet. We just switch out every other feeding. He wanted us to come back on Friday.
On Thursday, we all (me, Major, Mom & Dad) went down to Medical City to see my GP. He ordered all types of blood work to be done as well as for me to have an echocardiogram done next week. He agreed with everything my OBGYN has me doing, but wanted to check a few things. He wasn’t concerned that I had lost 40 pounds, but is concerned as to WHY I have lost so much so fast. We discussed the blood transfusions and what that does and does not do to the body and when my own blood should replace what I lost. Anyway, he wants to be very through and check everything. My mom was very pleased, as was Mark when she relayed all the info to him.
Today is finally Friday! We saw my OBGYN this morning at 11:00. My BP was good and she wants me to cut back to taking 1 pill in the morning, 2 in the afternoon, and 1 in the evening. She is going to get in contact with my GP and has ok’ed me to drive. She wants me to take my BP next week and call it in to her and come back at 6 weeks postpartum. After my Dr, we went to IHOP to eat lunch. I had the Viva La French Toast! Loved It! We had Mavrick’s Reader’s Theater at 1:45 at his school. Daddy and Major stayed in the car and took a nap. After school we took Major to his Dr appointment to be weighed. He was 8.1 ½ , so he had gained 7.5 ounces. YEA!
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