Sunday, December 28, 2008


I think Major and I have a bug. Like a cold, not a tick. I think it was last Monday night, I got real sick feeling, weak, achy, just yuck. My mom came and got Major for the night and let me get a good night’s sleep. I took vitamin C and some other stuff and felt better the next day, but by Friday, I was worn down again. Friday morning, Mark got up with Major about 8:00. I went back to bed because I was just done. At 11:00, Mark brought Major to me and said that he was ready for a nap. Finally at 1:30, he woke up and I got out of bed for the day! OMG! Seriously! Then today, Sunday, same thing! Mark goes back to work tomorrow and I am going to have to get up and get going on my own… with all three boys.

I am going to have to take Major to the Dr tomorrow. He has been sick since last Saturday. We were spending the night at the farm and it was horrible. The worst night ever! He went to sleep about 9, then woke up about 11:30 and was awake about every 30 minutes till around 6 am! He ran a fever and had a runny nose and squirmed around like he had terrible gas all night long. He would cry like he was in pain. I would get up and walk with him until he fell asleep, then I would sit down and about 10 minutes later he would wake up. It was a beating! He has had a very stuffy nose since, and now we can hear it in his chest. He had another awful night last night, it just didn’t last as long, but I did have to sleep sitting up on three pillows with him on my chest. We have been giving him Multi-symptom Tylenol, but it doesn’t seem to be helping much at all… Ahh, how I love the winter in Texas.

A wonderful Christmas!

We had a wonderful Christmas. The boys woke up about 6:45, and came running down the stairs to our room. Major was in here, so the whispered as loud as they could “Santa’s been here!” It was precious! Mom and dad were not due to arrive until 7:30, so I had to figure out how to keep them occupied till then. I let them go get their stockings and bring them back downstairs until mom and dad were here and we could all go up together.

**Let me just interject and agree with what you must be thinking, “OMG! I can’t believe her kids waited 45 minutes to jump in to Christmas!” I can’t believe it either. I have amazing kids! They are so good! I am soooo blessed!**

Michael’s big deal this year was golf clubs. Mavrick started lessons in May, and Michael started to show an interest in the sport, but Mavrick claimed golf as his sport and didn’t want Michael to play. After some give and take and some negotiation, Michael will be playing golf this spring with Mav. Therefore, Michael needed golf clubs. Ta Dha!

Mavrick’s big deal this year was a drum set. We had to order it, so it is not here yet, but he was WAY excited just from the picture. And of course, asks at least once a day “when will they be here?”

Their big gift from Santa this year was Guitar Hero. Mom and Dad got them a Wii, so, Santa being as cool as he is, knew that they needed Guitar Hero. Being as wise as he is, got them two guitars to keep the fights to a minimum. I think everyone has played but me. I am looking forward to my turn though!

Little Major got lots of cool baby toys. He ended up with three Elmo’s! His big deal was a little walk behind or ride on toy. He has been sitting on it and feels like such a big boy! Mom and Dad got him a Radio Flyer Rocking Horse that is very cool.

The girls got here about 12:30, and we went to Christy’s about an hour later. Everyone was over there, so we had a good little visit, a wonderful lunch, and then opened gifts. About 6:00 we went over to Wayne and Buena’s, Mark’s aunt and uncle, house. We always have a wonderful visit with them! We left around 9:00. It had been a big day, and Major and I both had been fighting a cold for several days, so we were especially exhausted.

We had a wonderful day spent with family and friends. We are so blessed. I could not ask for more!

Change - Good?

This year Christmas was a little different. A typical Christmas in the Pittard home finds us greeting my sister-in-law, Glenda, and her significant other, Marla at the front door sometime on Christmas eve, rushing off to Christmas eve service at church, having dinner at my mom and dad’s, returning home to put out cookies and milk for Santa and everyone retiring for a good nights sleep. Mom and Dad will then arrive at our house at 7:30 and we will all go into the game room together to see what Santa has brought. We open gifts then have a wonderful breakfast that the lady of the house has prepared and return to the fun in the game room as each one of us gets dressed for the rest of the events of the day.

So, this year, Glenda and Marla both had to work on Christmas eve and didn’t come till Christmas day. For me, and probably only for me, it threw everything off some. I am usually fine with change… throw me a curve ball, I’ll still catch it. But this just blew me off the ball field. We did Christmas eve service, we did dinner at mom and dad’s, we did stay up till midnight wrapping gifts. But this was the first night in Michael’s life that we haven’t had Glenda and Marla with us for Christmas eve. I didn’t even make my wonderful Christmas breakfast. We just had cinnamon rolls. Isn’t it funny how one little change from tradition can seem to throw everything off? I really think I was the only one affected by it, but still, I missed them and the way we are supposed to do things.

Quick and Dirty

Seriously? Christmas has come and gone? That was fast… “quick and dirty” one might say. I spent a butt load of money, QUICK… and my house is DIRTY. Now comes the recovery period.

Put away all the Christmas paraphernalia, all the gifts, wash all the clothes from the last week, and all the dishes. Leave out one box to catch all the stuff I missed on the final clean up.
I finally decided on a collection for the boys this year. You know how some kids get a new ornament each year, then when they have their own home and family they have these ornaments to start with. Well, I have always thought that was precious, but what about all the memories made at their parent’s house with those ornaments? And, I have always felt that that was kind of girly. But I did want something for the boys to help them remember each year. So, I have started collecting them nutcrackers. I got both Michael and Mavrick several, to try to get them caught up, and I got Major his first. I hope to find one each year that represents their interests at the time, and mark the year on the bottom. My aunt always had a collection of nutcrackers that I loved to look at, and the boys have always been fond of them, so I think this is a good solution to my “collection search.” This year I also got wreathes to put on each of their bedroom doors, and they each have a small tree for their rooms now. I guess I should get them their own storage bins to store away all of this stuff. I really love Christmas and want them to also.

Written on Friday, December 19, 2008

I have been away much too long…How can it be that I was only away 4 days, but it has taken 2 weeks to get caught back up!
Since the kids and I got back from the farm, it has been no-stop go go go! We came home on Tuesday the 2nd, and on Wednesday Mavrick woke up sick. I got him to the Dr. that day and he had strep. So he was home on Wednesday and Thursday. I think he still has a few make up papers from that week and then this week he was at home another two days with a relapse. Major has cut two teeth, and Mav has lost two. Michael has his first basketball game of the season, which they WON! My good friend/sister, Allison, lost her dad to a massive heart attack, a friend of mine in Arkansas lost her baby, and I found out that the Chapter advisor I had at Tech passed away in November.

Now, I find myself 5 days from Christmas, and I don’t have a thing for Mavrick. He wants drums… OMG! I just can’t do drums. Mark want to get him some electric drums that he can wear headphones and play. I am sure he will end up with some type of drums, but I am not swinging from the rafters over joyed about it.

Today was a LONG day, but a fun day. Major and I went to the boys school about 10 am and helped with Michael’s classes Christmas party. Then we all went to Northpark Mall to see the trail exhibit. It benefits the Ronald McDonald House Charities, so I was glad we could go. It was really cool, and I think all of the boys liked it. Major even seemed fascinated. Christy and her crew, and Mom and Dad went too. We ended up staying till too late and got caught in traffic coming home. I was so tired that I thought I was going to fall asleep driving! But I didn’t…

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My Step-Grandmother

ELVA – The funeral home delivered Elva’s roses to the house and not to her at the funeral home, so when the kids and I left on Tuesday we took them by to her. She was glad that we had come by and we had a very pleasant conversation.

It is a strange relationship. I love her because my Pop-paw loved her. And I love her because she is my kids “MeeMaw.” I respect both of those relationships. But she wasn’t always good to Pop, and there were several times that she was outright mean to Mom. I am aware of both of those, so it makes it difficult to not have some feelings that are not all lovie dovie. It's like I love her, but sometimes I don't like her. (See Mark, it's not just you I do that with:)

I am glad that Pop found someone to love again. I am glad that he didn’t spend his last ten years alone. I appreciate the good things that Elva brought to his life. But I have also seen her try to manipulate him, and it makes me sad to think of how she may have treated him when no one was around. One of their caregivers who was with them before they went to the nursing home told us that she was often mean to Pop. That makes me upset.

I always have my guard up when I talk with her. I don’t want to be manipulated, so I am always reading between the lines… so, when she said “I really think it was the beginning of the end when he couldn’t drive anymore. He got real mad, then he would grieve, then he’d be mad and then grieve some more. I really think that is what started it.” I felt angry. I felt like she was trying to blame his death on my uncle Calvin and my mom. Yes, they asked that he not drive anymore, but he had recently had an accident, he was 87 years old, and it just wasn’t worth all the risks. It makes me sad if he was really that upset about it. But if he would have had an accident and killed someone, or himself… it just wasn’t worth all the risks.

That one little statement made me want to quit talking to her. I was nice, and I will continue to be nice because of the relationships I mentioned earlier. I will continue to take the kids by to see her when we are in town. This relationship is a strange and often difficult dynamic to my life.

Saturday, November 29th

I am trying to document the last few days… well, this year really, for the kids. I want to print my blog from the last year and put it together like a book, so when they get older and things come up we can go back and see what was happening around that time. Especially for Major, who never got to know Pop-Paw, or Angela.

That brings me back to last Saturday. Saturday morning, mom and I had to deliver Pop’s obituary to the funeral home by 10:00, so we left the house at 9:00 and went by to get a picture that his sister printed for us on the way. We delivered the obit, made corrections on a copy they printed for us (which didn’t all get corrected!) and then went to find a florist. Being a holiday weekend, there was not one single florist in town who was open. We went back to the funeral home to see if they knew of one that may be open, and they have a florist. Yea! But she was not in yet.

So, we went to the western store and bought some clothes for him. We got him a very nice outfit, that he looked great in. I could just see him going dancin’ in something like this. They used to go to dances down at the lodge. It was so sweet, and they were so cute! He was so handsome. He was never much of a coat and tie guy, so we got him jeans, an nice shirt and a bolo. My mom had wanted me, Christy and my two cousins to pick out the clothes. Christy was coming that day, but wouldn’t be there until about 1:00, and my cousin called me the day before and said that she and my other cousin trusted us to pick out something nice. Christy said to go ahead and get something because everything was taking longer than she had planned. It worked out well, because mom really wanted him dressed as soon as possible.

When we got back to the funeral home with the clothes, we were able to start discussing flowers. We had seen some in a viewing room that were gorgeous in color, but not quite manly enough. About this time my uncle Calvin and aunt Jody got there. It was great timing, because mom was real hesitant to make this decision without Calvin. She told/showed him what she was thinking about and he was fine with it. The casket arrangement was beautiful. The grandkids, and great-grandkids had an arrangement that complimented the casket arrangement. It was all so pretty and tranquil. Elva, his wife, wanted to have an arrangement of roses and baby’s breath, so they ordered one that could go to her in the nursing home when the funeral was over. It all came together real nice.

We left there and picked up some lunch then went back to the farm. I think Christy was there by then. She brought Mavrick over with her, so I had two of my boys then. It seems like we worked around the house for a while then. I think we were looking for Pop’s Mason’s Apron. They wanted him to being wearing that too because the Mason’s were a huge part of his life. I call it his fraternity.

Later, Mom, Dad, Calvin and Jody went back to the funeral home to make sure Pop looked ok and that everything else was in order. Christy and I went in a little later with the kids. It was Mavrick’s first time to see an actual dead body. Angela, our neighbor who died in September was cremated. So, I had to talk with him about what he was going to see, and that it was just a shell and his spirit was in heaven with Jesus, and Granny, and Uncle Michael. Mavrick did amazingly well. He looked at him for a minute or two. He is an emotional kid, but he did really well.

The rest of the day was a blur, but I know that that Saturday and Sunday were the longest days of my life. Mavrick slept with me and Major in our full sized bed that night. He slept in an “L” shape, which left very little room for me and Major. Oh well, I wasn’t really sleeping anyway.

Back to Life

BACK TO REALITY – I woke up this morning to Mark saying “Crap! It’s 7:00.” In the mornings, I usually have Major in our bed and we try to sleep, or at least lay low, through all of the morning commotion. As Mark was leaving he told me that Mavrick was in the living room watching TV and running a fever. I called and got him a Dr appointment.

Last week I took him to the Dr on Wednesday because he was congested and had a skin rash. The Dr just told us to use some over the counter meds and lotion for the skin. On Friday, Mark took him back because a place on his arm was looking worse. The Dr said it looked like an insect bite, keep it clean, and watch it. Well, it got worse while we were in Weatherford, so I had planned to take him back today.

Today the Dr thought it was definitely a spider bite, possible brown recluse because of the way the skin was dying around it, but that it would eventually be ok. BUT it would take several weeks before it was healed and he prescribed a steroidal cream to help it heal and reduce scarring. But he was concerned about the fever and wanted to make sure that it wasn’t related to the bite. They did the strep test, which Mavrick HATES! And it came back positive. Oh Yea! Over the last 5 days he has been exposed to at least 100 different people – especially his 7 month old brother and cousin.

As we left, I called Daddy and asked him for help. My dad is so wonderful. He takes care of me/us, and I know would do anything for me/us. Daddy was at Costco, but would come by and get the Rx and take them to the store. By the time he got back I needed him to go back by the Dr office, to drop off the Rx, bring us back home some food, go back to pick up the Rx and pick-up Michael. Sorry Daddy, hope you didn’t have a day of your own planned.

Major is working through a case of static cling… he is on me like a dryer sheet to a wool skirt! He was held by someone most of the last week, and now he is having to work through that. Everything I did today I had to do sitting by him on the floor or with him in my lap. I would leave him on the floor and he would start getting pissy. Yea!

And my house looks like a laundry mat blew up in here! Clothes are from one end of the house to the other. It is crazy. I went to start the second load to wash today and the dial fell right off in my hand. It will still function, but I am using pliers to turn the dial. We may be livin’ like white trash, but at least our clothes will be clean.

Mom called this afternoon. She is staying at the farm a few more days. She said she is doing well, but making a mess. It is therapeutic for her to start working through things and culling out the obvious trash. She is real hesitant to throughout much, because you never know what someone else will consider treasure. He had two drawers full of “wife beater” t-shirts, that looked brand new. I hope she is donating those! I warned her about the strep throat, and she said she wouldn’t be surprised if she gave it to him because she felt so bad last week on Tuesday and Wednesday, but didn’t go to the Dr. That’s why she didn’t go to see Pop on Thursday; she didn’t think she was fully over whatever she had.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Friday, November 28th

Friday, me and the boys went down to Mom and Dad’s to eat some leftovers. Shortly after 2:00, the nursing home called and said that Pop-paw had passed away. Mom started to cry and thank God. She hung up the phone and told us. We were all so happy that we had been to see him the day before. I called Christy to tell her and she asked what happened. I told her “he was waiting for us to come see him.” He was waiting for us to come and wrap up the visits from the grandkids. Both of my cousins had been to see him since he had been in the hospital. It had been since Halloween since Christy had seen him and we had not seen him since the family reunion in October.

Anyway, from what I have been told, his wife was in his room with him and they had decided to eat some of the fruit we had taken the day before. He was cutting it for her and she heard him make a sound, looked at him and he seemed fine, then he made the sound again and was gone. She went down to the nurses’ station and told them to “come check on Hershell, I think he’s dead.”

Obviously, after calling her brother, she and my dad headed over to Weatherford to start taking care of what needed to be done. I wanted to go to the farm.

The Farm is the closest thing to “going home” that I have. When I was 5 we moved to Benbrook. We moved to Texarkana when I was 16. When I was 18 I started my college travels, and when I was 20 I moved to Lewisville. My parents have made several moves since I left Texarkana. I don’t have a bedroom that I grew up in. We don’t have a dining room that we always had Christmas dinner in. But we do have the farm. It is where I want to run to when things break down. It is refuge. It is my safe place. It is a security blanket. It is comfort food. It is where I had MANY Christmas dinners. We have been going to that house since they built it in 1984, and that property for years before that. The farm is home, and I wanted to get there as soon as I could.

It took me hours to pack. I couldn’t hold a thought. I would catch myself just standing still in the middle of the room, lost in my thoughts. Major and I finally got over there about 7:30 and waited in the dark in the car until Mom and Dad got there. Getting into the house and settling in allowed me to finally take a deep breath. It felt so good to be there.


Thanksgiving Day, the Pittard and Corr families (me and my sister) started the day going to Weatherford to see my Granddad, “Pop-paw.” He had gotten back to the nursing home the week before, so we had decided to go over and see him. He looked wonderful. More like the Pop-paw I remember. His face was fuller than it was at the reunion, and he seemed more there. He was laying in his bed with a blanket over him and his skinny little arm back behind his head. He was smiling and just real happy, and had a sense of humor. When we asked him if he wanted anything or a needed a drink, he said we could get him a “bud.” It was great to see him. We visited for about a while, then went down to get “Mee-Maw” and pushing her down the hall to his room. Mark didn’t go to Mee-Maw’s room , but stayed and talked to Pop. We visited for a little while longer , all told him that we loved him and kissed him good-bye.

Mavrick was kind of stand-offish, and I asked him if wanted to come say bye to Pop-paw, and he shied away and said no. Then Christy said, “Mavrick, get in here and tell Pop-paw bye.” So he did. She scares us all. Walking out Christy said “This made my Thanksgiving.”

We all then went to Mom and Dad’s house for lunch and then we went to Wayne and Buena’s for our normal Thanksgiving visit. It was the first time that they had seen Major, so that was really special, too. All in all, it was a wonderful day of family and thanksgiving.

The Blog

Boy! The last few days have been a whirlwind! I have so much spinning around in my head, and can’t hold a thought for longer than a minute.

When I was younger, I would write my thoughts down and it would help clear my mind and/or lighten my heart. That brings me to my blog. I love the blog. I love the person who came up with the concept of the blog. I love that I can share my thoughts, dreams, feelings, hurts and accomplishments with my family and friends. I love being able to share the raw truth behind what I write. I love the blog.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

I love Chi Omega!

Chi Omega Christmas that is!

Christy and I are really finally having the opportunity to enjoy each other as adults/mothers/sisters/friends, now that neither one of us have a fulltime 8 to 5 anymore. A few weeks ago we met on a Friday morning in Plano for the annual Neath the Wreath event put on by the Plano and/or Dallas Junior League. We went last year and it was fun. We were both pregnant, she had Bella and I had Michael and Mavrick with me, so it was challenging, but fun all the same. So, of course, when it came around this year we wanted to go. It wasn’t near as good this year. It seemed very cramped and the worst part was NO STROLLERS! I know! So, we went, against our better judgment, and carried the babies. Christy had taken Bella to Adventure Kids, so at least she had a fun time.

Well, yesterday, we met in Downtown Dallas and went to Chi Omega Christmas. It was a blast! It was just a perfect event! There was room to walk down the aisles, even with our strollers! So many vendors, and a lot of them were the same as the Plano event, so we really got to do some Christmas shopping. It was a lot of fun. We decided that from now on, we will just skip the Neath the Wreath and only attend the Chi Omega Christmas. And the babies had a good time too looking at all the colors and decorations. The cutest thing is that Major faces away from me in his stroller and Cooper faces Christy in his stroller, so when we are walking beside each other, they face each other. Precious!

The Wave

Major is growing up so fast. I am trying to enjoy every little moment – the great and the not so great, because I know how time flies. Michael is 9 for pete’s sake! Anyway, this afternoon I was sitting with him watching a Christmas movie on ABC Family, and realized that this was all NEW to him. The image of Santa, the Christmas Carols, all of it is completely new. Then I looked at him, as he was watching the man with white hair in the red suit and he lifts up his right arm and stretches then squeezes his hand. My baby started waving today! And his first wave was at Santa! On TV! How precious is that!

Tonight, he was in his chair in the kitchen just talking. And talking, and talking! He was talking so loud that Mark, who has been in bed sick all day, came out of the bedroom and darted into the kitchen because he thought the child was yelling. Well, he was, just not in a bad way. Then, Mark is standing at the sink talking to me and we look over at Major and he is waving at his daddy. So precious!

Finally, many of you will be happy to hear that I have gotten him back in HIS OWN BED! This is the second night in a row he is in his bed. It has been a lot easier than I thought it would be. The only thing is that when I shut his door last night, it was freezing in there when he woke up about 3 am. So, we are having to leave all the bedroom doors opened some just so our babies don’t get too cold. The HVAC system in this house sucks… Don’t ever buy a home built by Legacy!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Update on Pop-paw

So, my mom got my grandfather moved back into the nursing home Wednesday. She came home and spent the night in her own bed on Wednesday night. On Thursday, the nursing home called her and said the hospital had called and said Pop-paw has TB and has to go back to the hospital. They get him back to the hospital and another Dr says “no, he doesn’t have TB, but we think he has MAC.” But they can’t confirm that yet. This could be the reason that all the test are coming back inconclusive. Which could also mean that what they think is cancer, could be caused by this MAC stuff. In the meantime the entire nursing home was locked down and tested for TB! Which they are now saying he doesn't have!

I told my mom that she needs to stay in better contact with me and she said it is so difficult to know what is going on because one Dr will come in and say he has this, this and this. Then a specialist will say “No, he has this and this.” She doesn’t know, and they don’t know either – obviously! It is a crazy roller coaster. The hospital doesn’t seem to be in too much of a hurry to let anyone off this ride...just pray.

As of tonight, there is no new news.

Out of Town for the Weekend

Friday night Michael spent the night at his friends house, and me, Mavrick and Major went and spent the night at Christy’s in Allen. She was sick and Brian and Mark had gone out of town, so I thought maybe I could help. When we got there, her niece and nephew were also there. So, my sick sister had a house full of people! She and Cooper went to bed and we were all tucked into our beds by 9:00.

Mavrick and Major slept with me in the guest room. Mavrick is a snuggler. He always has been. He used to hang on me like a little monkey. I could have him on my hip, hold my arms out to my side, and he wouldn’t move a bit. Anyway, I woke up several times to find Mav sunggled up to Major and they would be in the middle of the bed. I was sleeping on this little sliver on the side. Precious? Yes. Comfortable? No.

Cooper has gotten into a habit of waking in the middle of the night, several times, screaming! He doesn’t seem to have this issue during the day, but all through the night. I don’t know how Christy handles it. She is exhausted. I really don’t understand it. It is almost like colic. Can a 7 month old have colic?

Yesterday, Christy spent most of the day in bed and was feeling a little better by the afternoon. Her nephew’s birthday party was in Plano at 4:00, so at 3:00 we left Christy in bed, and all got into the “baby bus” and started running back and forth across town. Me, Ashley, Zac, Mavrick, Major, Cooper and Bella drove to Plano and dropped off Ashley, Zac and Mav. Then, we came to Corinth to get Michael some clothes. Daddy came over for about 45 minutes so we could all get out of the car and I could go to the bathroom and change everybody’s diapers. Daddy got us all back into the car and we went to Lewisville to pick up Michael. Somewhere on the GB tollway, before Coit, one of the babies started crying. We get to Zac’s party and Michael goes in to get Mav and Ashley. I drive around the parking lot for about 15 minutes, while the other two start to cry also. Finally, the big kids come out and get in the car and we are off like a light. They all three cried till we got to Christy’s! Let me tell you, that was a LONG ride home! The phrase “Mommy drinks because you cry” had never been truer. My nerves were shot and I needed one!

Michael, Mavrick, Major and I all slept in Christy’s bed last night. Talk about monkey’s in the bed. It was so sweet to have all my babies with me. There is nothing I love more than snoozing with my babies!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Cancer Sucks

Pop-paw went back to the nursing home yesterday. He is in a different room than his wife now. I am not sure if he is on any monitors, but dad said that he has a bag to collect something draining. I haven’t really had a chance to talk to mom yet. I did see her this morning, and she just seemed really tired.

On Tuesday, the doctor from the Cancer area told mom and my uncle that they expected him to have about 3 months to live. Cancer sucks. Pop is 88 years old, and the Dr says that it is just one of those things that happens in older adults, and that the family shouldn’t be concerned with it being hereditary. It just all sucks. We are going to start going over as often as we can, and are just praying that he doesn’t have to suffer through pain.

Michael and Mavrick are in love with him, and I am sad that Major and Cooper won’t have that opportunity. I still think he hung the moon. He is one of the most amazing men I have ever known. I have started to prepare Michael and Mavrick. Mavrick started crying and said “this is the beginning of the end isn’t it?” Then he said “first we lost Angela, and now we are going to lose Pop-paw.” He agrees that Cancer sucks.

All Down Hill

It seems like once Halloween gets here they year flies by! It is all down hill from here. Really, it has been crazy how the last few days have flown by.

My in-laws came last weekend and we had a good visit. They haven’t been up since Major was born, so there was a lot to talk about. They went with us to Mavrick’s last baseball game, then Grandpa took the big boys to the skating rink. They had a blast! It was the first time in 15 years that they had actually stayed overnight at our house. It was nice to have them here.
Major started feeling sick on Friday and by Saturday evening he was feeling really bad. And his nose was so nasty! He is still has a stuffy nose. I went to the store and got a battery operated “booger sucker.” It is amazing! Any new mom should have one from the get go. It doesn’t seem to bother him near as bad as the hand held one that the hospital sends you home with. It is really great!

Anyway, we have wrapped up the baseball season for the year, but basketball season is just starting. Michael and Mavrick are not only on different teams, but different leagues. Mav decided just on Sunday that he wanted to play, and Michael decided that he wants to play golf. So, we signed Mav up for Upward Basketball and he will play in Denton, and Michael started practices this week. They will be on Wednesday’s and Friday’s. And sweet Major just goes along for the ride.

Mark and Brian are going out of town tomorrow and Michael is staying over at a friend’s house, so Mav, Major and I will be hanging out alone on Friday. Then I think we are all going over to Christy’s to spend the night on Saturday. One of my friend’s from college and her son’s are going to come over and we are planning to get the kids a movie and the mom’s a bottle of wine.

Finally, Major is sitting up by himself. He is doing really well, and he catches himself and gets straight before he falls over. He has been sleeping in our bed for a few weeks now. Last night, really this morning about 4 am, he woke up and decided that he wanted to visit…for about an hour! Yes, it was a drag to be awake at 4 in the morning, but it was precious!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Major Update

Major’s 6 month check-up was Monday. The Dr said he was perfect…DUH!!! He weighed 17 lbs, 3 oz. and is 27 inches long. He got 3 vaccines and a flu shot. He was absolutely miserable for the rest of the day and night. Totally needy, uncomfortable, pissed and just didn’t feel good. So, we just held each other all day and night. He woke up in a better frame of mind on Tuesday and still wanted to be held. Well, his poppy was certainly the man for the job. They held each other the whole day. Needless to say, by the end of the day on Tuesday, he was convinced that the whole holding thing was the new norm.

I was some sorority sisters about a week ago that I had not seen since December and they asked me about Major. You see, by then, the shock and denial had worn off, but the excitement had not come yet. I had always wanted a third baby, but didn’t want to have a baby after age 35. So, on my 35th birthday I had come to grips with us being a family of four. I was getting our lives wrapped up in a pretty little package with a bow on top. Things were finally on track and going the way we needed them to go in order for us to get to where we wanted to go. But God had different plans.

Anyway, I told my friends how perfect it all was. Everything about this baby is so much better than any of the plans I had before him. Mark and I wonder why we didn’t do this sooner (like we had anything to do with it). And I feel complete now. I had always wanted a third, and I was totally in love with our family of four. I just felt like something was missing, and learned to live with it. Now, I don’t know how we ever got along without him. One of the funniest things is that I was so upset about the HUGE gap (7 years) between Mavrick and Michael, it was one of those “we will never get all the kids out of our house” kind of things. Now, I think it will be so wonderful to have this little man with us for 7 more years after both the boys go off to school. We are so blessed! And we are so in love with him!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


For those of you who like to read these in order, start at the November 1st entry called "Madi, the dog" and work your way back up.

After my running around on Friday, I picked up the boys, we hurried home to get the baby and the costumes. Then we hurried over to Christy’s. We got there just after 5:00. I was pretty nasty, so I took a quick shower. In my rush, I had forgotten to get new panties! I couldn’t put back on those nasty, sweaty ones I took off, so for the first time in my 37 years, I went commando. It was quite liberating, but I don’t know that I will do it again anytime soon.

Anywho, we hit the pavement with all the kids about 5:30. Isabella was a pumpkin and Cooper was a dog, and Major just wore his ghost outfit. Michael and Mavrick showed Bella the ropes and they had tons of fun. We went down a few blocks and the kids got more candy. They were absolutely precious. The babies were so good, just sitting in the strollers, taking it all in.
About 6:30 we got to Mark’s church, where they were having a huge Halloween festival. There were tons of bounce houses, lots of candy, food, and other things to do. The boys really enjoyed themselves. I asked them about 7:00 if they wanted to go home to Trick or Treat in our neighborhood, or skip our neighborhood and stay at the church. They chose the church. Michael climbed the rock wall, Mavrick jumped on the bungee and they both rode the “hippo” which is the world’s tallest blowup slide at three stories.

We ended up getting home about 10:00. The house was still in good shape and our McCain sign was still intact. We just had 2 big bowls of candy waiting on the inside for trick or theaters’. We didn’t have any.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

What a day!

Since Friday was the end of the month, and in the spirit of trying to save money here and there, I chose that day to move our stuff out of a storage building and down to my grandfather’s house. Most of it was furniture from his house anyway, the rest was other antiques from Mark’s grandmother’s house.

Sidebar – our dream is to build a big two story antebellum home and fill it with antiques from our families past. When my Granny died and Pop-paw got remarried, his wife wanted to move a lot of the old stuff out and some of her stuff in. There were some things that I really wanted, so we begged, borrowed, and traded to make that happen. When Mark’s grandmother died, there were some items that he really wanted and was afraid would end up in some strangers basement if we didn’t take them. So, we have a garage, and several rooms full of antiques that have history to our family and us, but we really don’t have room for them. I rented a storage building to store what was inside the house when we started preparing things for Major.

Alright. Mom had planned to help me and Dad was going to come along with Major and help too. Well, Pop-paw fell on Thursday, and mom took him to the hospital, where they admitted him, so she wasn’t going to be able to help. Dad was going to, but I told him just to stay at home with Major and I would do it. After all, I had moved all of it before at one time or another.

I got up Friday and took Major to dad at 8:00. I had to run an errand up to Denton then went to the U-haul to get a trailer. I am already kind of nervous because I have never driven with a trailer in tow. They get me a trailer assigned and ask me where the hitch ball is. I have no idea! So, I have to buy one. They hook me up, wish me luck and I drive around the parking lot to get a feel for it. Not too bad, so I am off!

I go down the street to the storage building. OK, I hate this storage building. I can NEVER get the door to go up easily. This was no exception. Once I get it up a little I see that there is a huge ant mound that is ON the door on the inside. It takes me a good five minutes to get this God forsaken thing up! And every time I get it to move an inch, more ants drop on me. By the time it is fully opened and staying up on it’s own, I have pulled every muscle in my body, and have ants in my hair, in my clothes, in my shoes, and one little bastard bit me on the finger.

Now, it is time to load the trailer. This is a 4x8 trailer. I had to stack stuff, pull it out and shove other stuff in. I was sweating like a fool! Filled my car too. Then I was down to one item. This little dresser that I can not get in anywhere. I sat down on the ground and started praying, “God, give me strength to cram this thing in there without breaking it. Please God, just help my muscles hold out till I get this in there.” I caught my breath, lifted that thing with all the strength I could muster, and crammed it in the trailer. The damn thing hung over about ¼ of an inch. Well, I could take about half the stuff out, squeeze my fat butt down the side of the couch that was loaded with tables stacked on it and TRY to move it with one arm a little closer, OR I could pray like hell that when I leaned up against the door to push it shut nothing would break. I chose the latter. I pulled out of the storage facility just after 10:20.

I am traveling down I35 to Hwy 121 and busting right down the middle of downtown Fort Worth, because my mom has the keys to Pops house in her car. Her car is with her at the hospital in downtown. Did I mention I had never drove pulling a trailer before? I was a nervous wreck!!! I finally get there and get the keys and continue over to Weatherford. It must have taken forever to get over there. Look how serious and freaked out I am!

When I finally got to the house I needed to back this rig up. Did I mention I had never backed up with a trailer before? I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t make the stupid thing go in the direction I needed it to. After nearly jack-knifing into my own car about 10 times I just drove through the darn yard. At this point I am openly admitting I have bit off more than I can chew. Should have let daddy come. I don’t have a cape because I am not wonder woman! My body is killing me and I have to unload this SOB and get back to Lewisville to pick the kids up by 3:15.

I go into the house and walk out to the garage. The garage door on the side that does not have the car in front of it I can’t get open. There is some kind of brackets preventing it from opening that I figure are there for security purposes. Fine, I will move the car out, move the stuff in, and then move the car back in. I open the garage door, get the car keys and try to start the car. It doesn’t start… of course not, it hasn’t been run in months and the battery is dead. I can’t drag the couch in with just the little bit of room that is at the end of the car, so I drag it into the house. I drag a desk into the house also. I rearrange some furniture in the house so it doesn’t look like a furniture showroom. Then I unloaded the rest into the garage. Thank you Lord! I didn’t pass out! I go to close the garage door and it jams. I push the button, it moves about six inches, then comes back up. Seriously! So I go and try to pull on it. Nothing! I go back to the button. Again, I am praying. This time for mercy. God just give me a break! Put the button, it moves about six inches, then comes back up. There is this cord hanging over the car, and I hope it doesn’t do anything harmful. I pull it and my arm nearly yanks off! I guess that would be an emergency release.
I got back on the road, back over to the U-haul place, unhooked and paid out by 3:15. I was just a little late picking up the boys, but I am glad to be back and have that behind me. Now, on to Trick or Treat!

Halloween Prep

Our Halloween festivities started on Thursday. The boy’s school church had a “Trunk or Treat” on Thursday night and they really wanted to go. This year the boys didn’t really want a store bought costume, so we made them. Mavrick wanted to be a hippie and Michael wanted to be Bamm-Bamm.
On Wednesday, we started our tie-dye experiment (after a baseball game)! We bought two colors of dye and watched a few videos on You Tube to figure out what we needed to do. We colored Mav’s shirt, then a pair of Dad’s underwear, then a burp cloth, then one of Michael’s shirt. After that, I stayed up till midnight to sew Michael’s shorts , which turned out VERY big! Michael decided that I should be Betty, Bamm-Bamm’s mom. So Thursday afternoon when we got home I whipped out a Betty costume. They were very cute and everyone had a blast at the “Trunk or Treat.”

Fall Program

Tuesday was a work day for me. I was out seeing properties all day, but that evening, we went to the boys school program that their school’s church. I have to say that it always warms my heart to see them up there singing and praising the Lord. I don’t always agree with the teachers or the school administration, but I do love the fact that God is included in their everyday learning. Here a few pictures from that evening.
Michael is the top row, far right, yellow shirt.
Mavrick is in the red shirt on the back row beside the boy in the yellow shirt.This is Cooper in his PJ's enjoying the program with Uncle Mark. This is Major in Mommy's lap wondering what in the heck I am doing.
This is Isabella using her outside voice to announce that she sees Michael and pointing out for all of us just where he is. "Hi Michael!"

Madi, the dog

About four months ago we traveled to Nacogdoches to adopt a dog from their animal shelter. We all really liked her and thought she would be a good addition to our family… fast forward four months and the new had worn off. They kids paid no attention to her. I fed her in the mornings and Mark was feeding her in the evenings. Nobody played with her. It was really very sad for her I think. So, what do you do?

Well, I’ll tell you. When you adopt a dog from a shelter, you sign an agreement that if for whatever reason you cannot keep the dog, you will return it to the place of adoption…Nacogdoches. So, after much thought and consideration, I decided that I have an infant, two very active boys, and a husband who works all the time; I didn’t need a dog too. So, on Monday, my dear, sweet, wonderful blessing of a mother took me, Major and the dog on a road trip. I surrendered her (BTW, it is a “No Kill Shelter”) and tried to feel bad about it. I couldn’t. I felt bad that she was a puppy who needed attention and wasn’t getting it. I feel like she will be adopted quickly. I decided to just feel bad that I didn’t feel bad.

Finally, here we are on Saturday evening, and the boys still don’t know that she is gone. I was prepared to give them some big elaborate lie about her running away, but now, a week later, they have still not said anything about it. On Tuesday, Isabella was here and asked where the dog was, and tonight Michael has a friend spending the night who asked where the dog was, but that is it! I am kind of pissed that I put such thought into it and dealt with the whole “I’m taking their dog away” thing!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Family Reunion

Yesterday we went over to Weatherford for a family reunion on my mother’s father’s side. It was a great afternoon and there is a park right beside the building where we all gather for lunch. Christy and my cousin’s wife Gigi did all the planning and made it happen and it turned out very nice. We got up at 6:00 am and went over. Michael and Mavrick went with me and Christy. Mom and Dad drive the little ones over and got there about 9:00. Needless to say, they both needed a drink after driving the baby bus!

I was able to take the kids over to the playground a few times. Michael and Mavrick played with Gigi and Jamie's daughter, Katherine, and had a great time! Bella ran around like a wild child and had a blast. She ran out of the building one time, and one time she ran into the street! She is a handful. Precious, but a handful. She really enjoyed swinging and going down the big slide.

I put Major in the swings once and he seemed to love it. He would look at me and just laugh out loud.

On the way home, we moved Bella back to Christy’s car, and me, dad, Mavrick, Major and Cooper all road back in my car. Mavrick helped with the babies, until he fell asleep. This is him entertaining…

My Pop-paw came to the reunion. He looks very skinny. It is really very strange to see him getting older. I guess I never thought he would get old. He was always such a pillar when my Granny was sick. The whole time I was growing up, he always had gray hair, but never seemed to be getting older. I saw him a few months ago and he seemed thin then, but now he is too thin. He just watched everything, like he was taking it all in, but I had to wonder where his mind really was… or if it was anywhere at all. It was strange, like I was sitting with a stranger. He used to read a lot, he was always out in the field working on something, working with some animals, repairing something. He used to be so strong. Now he is wasting away in a nursing home with his wife. He is faithful to a fault, and while she needs to be there, he will stay with her and waste away to nothing. It makes me sad. I think I hate change… I’m going to go cry a little now.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Bella's Beauty Shop

This is from last weekend. After Michael’s party, Bella needed her nails done for their pictures the next day. The only way she would let me take off some old polish and cut her nails is if I would let her paint mine! So I got my nails done. Looks like she might be a lefty. This is our trip to Bella’s Beauty Shop:

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Sicky's

Today I was at home with baby Major who is sick. I think it is allergies, but his nose was running and he has a cough. You can tell just by looking at him. He was very “needy” all day. I would step out of his site and he would start crying. We went through a few hours when he needed to be held. So he took two naps being held. I think by the end of the day he was feeling better, but still really tired. He fell asleep watching TV about 6:30 with Michael. He is so sweet, even when he is sick and needy.

Mark, Mavrick and my dad are all sick too. Sore throats, runny noses, dry coughs surround me!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

How's your butt hole?

I can laugh because I am the one asking the question...

This morning I am sitting in the lobby at a Dr.s office in Plano. My sister is having a colonoscopy this morning. I didn’t know until about 2 weeks ago that she had had any issues, but apparently, since before she had Cooper she has. She had a check up with her Dr who sent her here for this procedure when he didn’t find anything abnormal in his initial exam. I told her this morning that I thought once they got the cob out of her @$$ that she would be a whole new person. She said “they’re not taking anything out.” Sorry, I guess I misunderstood!

I don’t know what she is expecting to come out of this, but I am totally not prepared for anything bad… Brian just came out and everything is fine. She had two polyps that they removed and an ulcer. Yea, God! But the Doctor did leave the cob!

Week in Review

We had quite a busy week last week. Let’s start with last Saturday the 11th. The morning started with a baseball game, then we had our neighbors birthday party up in Denton. Cole just turned 7 and had a swimming party at an indoor pool. It was fun and the boys enjoyed swimming again. I didn’t get Major in the water. The way he loves the water (not), I didn’t want to risk making a screaming scene. At some point over the weekend, Mavrick started riding his bike. Cole turned 7 on the 8th, and started riding his bike, so Mavrick, who turned 7 in May, wasn’t going to be left behind. So, yea Mavrick!

Sunday, I took Mavrick to his golf lessons and they we went over to Christy and Brian’s for Christy’s birthday. Michael went over with Mom and Dad, then Mark came around dinner time. All of us and all of Brian’s family went over for the Cowboy game and dinner. It was a nice evening. We left there about 9:00. Monday, they boys were out of school and it was Michael’s birthday. He started out the day with Mark shopping for a bike, his birthday present from us. They found a great bright yellow bike that Michael is very happy with.

After lunch we went to the pumpkin patch in Flower Mound, and then went to the pumpkin park next door to it. The boys always have fun running around, but Major wasn’t crazy about the hay. We did get some great pictures of him though.Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday were just regular life, regular work, regular busy! Thursday, Major was 6 months old! It kind of snuck up on me. I haven’t made him an appointment for his 6 month check up yet or had 6 month pictures… third child syndrome? I don’t want to be like that!

And Friday, I cleaned the house like a crazy woman. I went to yoga at 8:30, then got home and went to cleaning. I have always said that God gave me kids six months apart to make sure that my house got a good cleaning at least twice a year. I kind of go a little crazy when people who have never been to the house are coming over. In the end I always like my house better for a time because it is clean, neat and in order.

On Saturday we had another baseball game. It was at 9:00 and for a Saturday, which is really early for us. I am so thankful that none of my kids have wanted to play soccer! Their games start at 8:00! Then Michael’s party was from 2:00 to 4:00. There were three boys from school who came, and then his friends from the neighborhood came. We played “Pin the Hand on the Iron Man,” had an Iron Man piƱata , opened gifts and had cake, and then it was time to go. It was a strangely calm party, which seemed to emphasize that they are all growing up! He had a great party and was thrilled with the wonderful gifts that he received, and that he now has more Webkinz than his brother does.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Michael's Field Trip

Yesterday was Michael’s field trip to the Ballpark at Arlington. It was so cool! It was a behind the scenes tour of the facility. We went to the press box, the City of Arlington’s suite, the press room, the dugout, the batting cages, the locker room or “clubhouse.” Then we ate lunch and went to the museum. Michael and I got some quality time together, so that was wonderful! He is getting so big and independent! I can’t believe he will be nine on Monday!

The rest of the pictures are on my facebook account.