Thursday, November 17, 2011

Ugh! This Child!

Michael. Yes, Michael! He has a Hate/Hate, no win relationship with Math. He has since maybe 1st grade. In 3rd grade, he would have the assignments, but put them, well stuff them into his desk when he got bored and not complete or turn in the assignments. It was that point that I decided I needed to either sit in school with him or bring him home... we know how that worked out.

So, his 5th grade and 6th grade Math teachers have become my best friends. Really, this year I get as many emails from Ms. Groce as anyone else on my contact list. I guess the part that pisses me off the most is that he is a smart kid. Real smart. Perhaps too smart for his own good. He gets bored with the repetition of Math. To add to this, he missed several days during the first and second six weeks, so it was easy to fall behind.

Bless his poor little heart though. Mom has been here since my surgery, and she loves math! And, those of you who know my mom, know he isn't getting away with anything while she is here. They have been sitting at the kitchen table for 2 hours working together to get him caught up on his Math. And I am confident that when he goes to school in the morning, he will have all his assignments caught up!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I'm a HysterSister!

I really should blog more. I don't know why I don't. Really my intentions were to go back at the end of each year and print the blog like a book and save for my grandkids to read. But this year has come and gone, and I haven't said much. LOL!

Anywho, let's play catch-up, for the grandkids sake! Well, we are in November now. Thanksgiving is a week from tomorrow! WOW! really, WOW! where has the year gone. Anyone who still reads this i feel certain already knows that I just had a hysterectomy. November is hysterectomy month :) If you recall, when I had Major in 2008, we almost had a tragic ending, and my body has pretty much been screwed up since then! My monthly visit from Mother Nature just sucked. I had considered it last year, but pretty much chickened out. Then, this year, when we had met our insurance deductible by July, I figured NOW was the time. Lucky for me, my GYN was trained on the DaVinci Robotic Hysterectomy in the year that I chickened out!

So, after much discussion and examination, we decided to do it. I like to think of it as just removing the old, rusty parts that I'm not going to use anymore. Of course, the only reference I had was when my mom had hers. I was in 6th grade, so probably 28 years ago. I just remember she was in bed for a LONG time. Later I found out that she wrote each one of us a letter just in case she died while in surgery! So, me, the one who will worry about not being worried, checked the morbidity rate for robotic hysterectomies. In case you are wondering - it is 1 in 600,000. Obviously, there wasn't much to worry about there. I considered writing letters, then decided that would only depress me and I don't have time for that.

As the boys all left for school last Thursday, I did feel sad. I told each one of them how wonderful they are and that I love them and would always love them. Once we got on the road to the Hospital I cried. I just had to release some of the anxiety. Mark said "why are you crying?" I said "I'm afraid." He said "afraid that you won't come home?" Then I boohooed. He told me I he was sorry, but that I would be coming home and I was not lucky enough to be 1 in 600,000 of anything. LOL! I love that man!

We got there, they prep'ed me for surgery and me, Mark and Mom had a chance to chat for a little while. I remember the Anesthesiologist putting a shot of something into my IV and saying, "OK, you have about 19 seconds." I said by to mom and Mark and they rolled me out of the room. Then, it seemed like 5 seconds later I was waking up and asking "have I had my surgery yet?" Indeed I had. It was a three hour surgery. That entire aspect of it is just remarkable to me.

I spent the night at the hospital and came home about 3pm on Friday. It has been a really great experience. The gas in my chest the first two days made me think I was going to die, which would freak me out, and in turn make the pain worse. But Friday night, Mark helped me work that out and it has been smooth sailing since then. Well, as far as recovery from surgery goes, anyway. Praise God!