Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Spring Flowers

Every year I try to get the boys pictures in the blue bonnets. We usually do this on Easter after an egg hunt while everyone is still looking cute. This year it was supposed to rain all day Easter, so the night before I took some pictures of them in the wild flowers on one of my aunts property. Michael and Mav picked out their own clothes on that day…

Then on the way home on Easter Sunday, we pulled over and did blue bonnets. Ummm… I had to wake Major up from his nap and he was not happy at all! LOL! Good Times.

They are wonderful to put up with me and indulge me like they do!

Whose bed is it anyway?

The whole time Major and I stayed at mom and dad’s, we slept in the same bed. I body aches from having to lay on my side while he did all his little flips and flops. I have had bruises on my face from being hit with his hand, his foot, and his bottle.

Of course there is a baby bed at mom and dad’s that I could have used. But I never thought we would be there two months. He was sleeping in my bed before we went down there. So, after months of bad decisions, we are back home. AND Mark wants him to sleep with us! Have you ever heard of such? The husband wants the baby in our bed. WHAT? Seriously!

So, here sleeps little man, right in the middle of mommy and daddy. I swore that this was not going to happen. I should really stop swearing! The new deadline is May 1st he goes to his own bed. Mark has to lower it before I can put him in it, because he has become so mobile since he last slept in his own bed.

I’ll keep you posted on how it goes!

What level are you?

So, I have been thinking about the order of relationships. I have realized that there are several different “levels” if you will.

Street People – these are the people you pass on the street. The ones you smile at or say “hello” to. You don’t know them, and don’t necessarily care to, but you are polite. Major has now learned how to wave and say “Bye”, and the other day he said bye to everyone who was walking in and out of a store we were in. So polite!

The Acquaintance – these are the people that you see often, perhaps neighbors or other parents at your kids school. You may not know their names, but you recognize their faces. You always smile and wave at them, and they at you.

Friendly Friends – these are the people you see more often, but you couldn’t call late night in an emergency. You would invite them to special occasion such as a 50th birthday, or an anniversary party.

Good Friends - these you may see a lot or never, but you know they have your back. You can call them every two months or every two years (or 20 years) and catch up like it was last week that you saw them.

Everyday Friends – I don’t have many of these. These are the people I talk to everyday. The people who "get me." The friends that I can share TMI with. The friends that I have cried with, and laughed till I wet my pants with. The friends that have seen me at my very best and at my very worst.

I’m sure that you may find that you have a few more levels, or possibly a few less. But no matter, it is really difficult when you have to demote people to another level. I bring this up because I have an everyday friend who has recently had to move an everyday friend to an acquaintance. I had to do this several years ago, so it has been a topic that I could share some insight on and assure her that sometimes things like this happen.

I can now refer to the end of this relationship as “the break up. ” and it really was. I had invested a lot of time and a lot of myself with this friendship. But in the end, I realized that could never be the kind of friend that she needed. And she could never be the kind of friend to me that I needed. One time, Mark said to me that if we didn’t live on the same block that we would have never have been friends. And it was true. Looking back, we had nothing in common.

After a lot of hurt and several years of time, I can now look back and appreciate that time. I grew, all be it in a direction that I am not proud of. But being able to realize that, I can still consider myself fortunate.

Hang in there girl!

Spring Break Fun... Mostly

One fun thing that I got to do with the boys while we were out of the house was to spend our spring break at the farm this year. It was really nice. We were there for several days and had a good time. Christy and her kids came and mom and dad were there. We worked hard, but I think everyone had a good time. I did a little landscaping in the front yard. The ground is all sand, so I had to do a lot of mixing of dirt, soil and sand. I did save the receipts in case my plants die. Mom and Uncle Calvin haven’t decided how to split it all up yet, so I figure this would either add “curb appeal” when selling, or just be nice for us to see.

One day we put together a basketball goal for the boys so they would have something to do while we worked. We made the kids a tire swing that was fun. We also went roller skating. We tried to work hard and play hard too.

We are working diligently to get the place cleaned up. Like I said above, mom and uncle have not decided what they are going to do with the property and house yet. But with the condition things are in, it will take a lot of work to sell it. There is No Possible way anyone in their right mind would pay what the property is worth with all the crap on the land. My Pop-paw was an amazing man, but I don’t know that he never threw anything away. To his credit though, he didn’t really have a place to “throw” things away. There are old storage buildings and an old camper full of all kinds of junk. There is old, rusted equipment in the fields. There literally is stuff everywhere. The house needs a new roof and by the way the A/C sounded, a new A/C unit too. One day when mom and I were working outside I pulled about seven old car batteries and four or five old tires from around the bottom of a tree. Can you say Hazardous Waste Materials? HA HA! But we still love it out there.
One of my great aunts had a trailer that I went and got on Wednesday and we loaded it with trash and took it to the dump. Now, this is a simple statement, but the complexity of the action was difficult to believe…First, this aunt is about 80 years old, so picture she and I putting the trailer ball on my car, and hooking up this trailer. Picture the trailer, which is an old truck bed with a hitch on the front and a gate built up on the sides and around the back. We will call it “Rusty” because that name fits in so many ways. So, we get this thing hooked to my rig and I get all the kids back in the car and take it home. I drive the trailer around the back of the house and me and Mavrick start throwing trash into it. We were able to get almost two full trash mounds loaded. Again, that sounds great, until I tell you that there were about twenty trash mounds. We had to stop because Rusty had an old rotted out tire on one side and I didn’t know exactly where, or how far, the dump was, so we were afraid to get it too loaded down.

Thursday, Christy and I got up and took our load to the dump. We couldn’t get out on the highway because Rusty didn’t have any tags and basically wasn’t street legal. LOL! Picture Lucy and Ethel, or Joy and Emma. We had to drive slow as to not bust out the tire. So after about a 45 minute drive, we got to the dump. We read the sign that welcomed us to the dump and it said that it would be $56 for us to drop our load. I told her to pull her shirt down and I unbuttoned mine to show some cleavage and prepared to do some sweet talking. As our luck would have it, there were two women working the front gate. We still did our sweet talking, and they did let us in for free that time.

So, there we are. Me and Christy driving through the dump to drop our load. If you have never been to a real live dump, it is just this huge pile of crap with no beginning and no end! I drove kind of close to where the pile started turning into a mound and backed up…as good as I could. I just cannot back a trailer up. Just can’t! Anyway, we got out and started to unload. Have you ever been on site at the dump? WOW! Most of you know that my gag reflex is directly connected to my nose. Have I mentioned how bad stinky it was? Oh My God! If I was getting paid, I would have charged double! It was so BAD! Christy and I gagged and choked, and I don’t know how, but we didn’t vomit! It smells 10 times worse than you could ever imagine. This pic was after we got back.
Then these guys drove up in a dump truck and dropped their load. They just looked at us. The longer it took us to unload the more pissed we got. The more pissed we got, the more we started to laugh. It was literally the nastiest thing I have ever done. Oh, I was cussing up a storm. Christy swore that she had the smell stuck in her nose hairs for days. The nastiest thing I have ever done.
BTW - When we got back from roller skating that afternoon, the tire that I was worried about was flat. God was definately with us and helped us return safely!

The next day, my crazy sister got dressed to mulch up some of the leaves that were everywhere! As it was starting to warm up, we wanted to get a start on a little snake prevention!

Michael's Field Trip

Michael had a field trip on Tuesday, a few weeks ago. We went to the Dallas Heritage Museum. I expected it to be very boring, but it was really cool. It is made up of houses/buildings that were built in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. They all have period interiors and decorations. Very neat place to visit.

On these field trips, they always divide the kids into groups, and each parent has a group of kids to go with. I had four boys; Michael, Camden, Garret and Caleb. Those boys were so fun to hang out with. They were very excited, and I think all of them have ADD, or did at least for that day. Michael’s teacher volunteered to go with me since I had such an interesting group. She slowed us down and kept order in our process. Ha!

We went through the village and ate lunch and ended up finishing early. The teachers decided that we could go to the park for a while on the way back to school. As we got off the bus, the teacher said “Do not leave the confines of the park without an adult!” Well, of course the restrooms were out of the confines. Caleb, one of my boys from the group, turned to me and said “Mrs. Pittard, I need to go to the restroom.” I told him to wait just a minute, thinking that I could get a dad to go over there with him, just to make sure that there weren’t any freaks hanging out in the men’s room. All of the sudden, Caleb says “I have an idea…” and walks off to the landscaped area in front of the park and turns around to start unbuckling his belt. I start yelling “Caleb, No, No, No, No!” Thank God he finally heard me! Unfortunately for him, so did his teacher, so he got a talking to. I laughed my butt off for about 10 minutes. I asked Michael if he was serious. I could totally see Mavrick doing something like that, but be joking. Michael said “No Mom, he was serious. That’s just how he is.” Which to me, made it even more funny!

Ahh! To be nine years old and clueless!

Robbing the bank!

In front of the local store.

I'm Baaaack!!!

Well, I honestly don’t even know where to start. I will just run down the list I guess.

We are back at home!!! The house still has a partial floor. I moved back home from mom and dad’s on Sunday. I had been picking up the boys at school then we would go to mom and dad’s where they do their homework, eat dinner, and shower. Mark would pick them up between 8 and 9 and takes them home to sleep in their own bed. It has been a difficult two months!

The boys were definitely living the life of children of divorced parents. They have been showing little, subtle, signs of the stress. Michael broke my heart the other morning when he said something about “dad’s house.” So, with all of that, Major and I are back home, and we are “making it” as a family, but life is still total chaos! And I can tell that it will take a long time to get back to normal. We may just find a new normal and make it work.

The diet is on, most days… I don’t even have it in me to deal with that right now. Fat is nice. I am ok with just being nice right now. LOL!

What’s up with Major?
Major is just a delight 99.5% of the time. He just goes with the flow. I get up and go get the boys and take them to school every morning, and Major goes too. He had gotten real good about going back to sleep with mom and dad and I would take the boys, then he waking up about 9:00. A few weeks ago, Mom said “I think we will just keep him. He is so nice to wake up to every morning.” He really does have a great disposition. He smiles this big smile that almost makes his eyes close and always shows his two bottom teeth. What a blessing he is!

A few nights he has been .5% of little terror. He is cutting teeth, constantly, and was miserable! And tends to make the rest of us miserable! Mom woke up and came to check on us one night, saying that she had never heard him scream like that before. I would get him to sleep and try to lay him down again and it would start all over

What’s up with Michael?
They are in the final quarter at school, and to my knowledge, he has is doing a lot better at getting his work in on time. This is the big issue we are dealing with right now. He starts his work, puts it in his desk and never completes or turns it in. That child has been wearing me out. In addition to this, he has been going through a “smart mouth” phase. I am not real big on spankings, but he has been testing me, thus receiving them lately. I think I have gotten him back in line, but it has not been an easy task. I am praying that this has all pasted, at least for now.

He is, however, really excelling at basketball. His local league team tied for first place, , and his school team is make take first place. The school team is very interesting. It is made up of two 3rd graders, two 4th graders and two 5th graders. I didn’t get to go to one of his games, but Mark said that the score was like 25 to 6 and they called the two youngest players in and took the older ones out – thinking that it would hold the scoring. Michael got the ball twice and both times scored with it. Yea Michael! Maybe he has found his “Thang.”

He has also taken up golf. He has had a few lessons so far and really seems to enjoy it! I am not surprised, though. He is a perfectionists, so I really expect him to end up being very good at this. He is working on his focus and doing really well.

What’s up with Mavrick?
You know Mavrick. He is the joker, the ladies man, laid back and rolling with the flow. His baseball just started, so he has practice twice a week and he is playing golf with Michael. He is failing just about everything at school, but he is polite and everyone loves him…slight exaggeration, but very slight.

I can look at Mavrick and tell that we are living our lives way too fast. He wants to stop and snuggle. Really. He gets upset easy these days and I don’t think he is getting enough sleep. I am working with the local ISD to have him tested for possible learning disabilities. He told me a few weeks ago that when they took their SAT tests, that if he passes them then he can go to 3rd grade.

He is such a little go getter. They had a fundraiser going on at school, and he is the one that wanted to go walk the neighborhood. He is very motivated by money, and has saved over $150 right now. Which is good because I never know when I am going to need to borrow some!

We have three wonderful, very different boys. I feel so blessed by each one of them.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Saturday

Wow! I have been gone so long and so much is going on and running through my head. Having a blog is really much more therapeutic than you might think. It is like screaming and not disturbing anyone in the process. I love my blog!

So, this evening I am sitting at the farm watching my family watch Star Wars. The boys and I are here with mom and dad for Easter. I have so many wonderful memories of Easter here. We used to come over here every year and have an Easter family gathering at uncle Dude and aunt Wanda’s. It was a blast! Popaw would always have to leave in the middle of it, or would be running late because he had to deliver a goat, or a calf, or a something. Granny would just roll her eyes, but I think she loved it as much as he did.

We would have a huge lunch, usually 30 or 40 people. Then all the men would go out and hide the eggs. We would have about 15 kids out there running all over the field hunting eggs. I remember the sun shining on the golden fields. Sometimes it would already start turning green if we had been having good rain. There were eggs everywhere. Always a few in some cow patties. Nice touch!

Tomorrow, some of us will go to church and then Christy and her family will come over and have lunch and our own little Easter egg hunt. Hopefully, the rain will stop long enough for us to get some pictures in the blue bonnets on the way home. I took some this afternoon in the wildflowers across the lane in aunt Wanda’s field.