We had quite a busy week last week. Let’s start with last Saturday the 11th. The morning started with a baseball game, then we had our neighbors birthday party up in Denton. Cole just turned 7 and had a swimming party at an indoor pool. It was fun and the boys enjoyed swimming again. I didn’t get Major in the water. The way he loves the water (not), I didn’t want to risk making a screaming scene. At some point over the weekend, Mavrick started riding his bike. Cole turned 7 on the 8th, and started riding his bike, so Mavrick, who turned 7 in May, wasn’t going to be left behind. So, yea Mavrick!

Sunday, I took Mavrick to his golf lessons and they we went over to Christy and Brian’s for Christy’s birthday. Michael went over with Mom and Dad, then Mark came around dinner time. All of us and all of Brian’s family went over for the Cowboy game and dinner. It was a nice evening. We left there about 9:00.

Monday, they boys were out of school and it was Michael’s birthday. He started out the day with Mark shopping for a bike, his birthday present from us. They found a great bright yellow bike that Michael is very happy with.

After lunch we went to the pumpkin patch in Flower Mound, and then went to the pumpkin park next door to it. The boys always have fun running around, but Major wasn’t crazy about the hay. We did get some great pictures of him though.
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday were just regular life, regular work, regular busy! Thursday, Major was 6 months old! It kind of snuck up on me. I haven’t made him an appointment for his 6 month check up yet or had 6 month pictures… third child syndrome? I don’t want to be like that!
And Friday, I cleaned the house like a crazy woman. I went to yoga at 8:30, then got home and went to cleaning. I have always said that God gave me kids six months apart to make sure that my house got a good cleaning at least twice a year. I kind of go a little crazy when people who have never been to the house are coming over. In the end I always like my house better for a time because it is clean, neat and in order.
On Saturday we had another baseball game. It was at 9:00 and for a Saturday, which is really early for us. I am so thankful that none of my kids have wanted to play soccer! Their games start at 8:00! Then Michael’s party was from 2:00 to 4:00. There were three boys from school who came, and then his friends from the neighborhood came. We played “Pin the Hand on the Iron Man,” had an Iron Man piƱata , opened gifts and had cake, and then it was time to go. It was a strangely calm party, which seemed to emphasize that they are all growing up! He had a great party and was thrilled with the wonderful gifts that he received, and that he now has more Webkinz than his brother does.