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Today was a good day. I was off, the boys were home for spring break, but Mark had to work. We did a lot of work on the baby’s room. Mom came over and helped, and it is finally starting to look like a baby’s nursery. I finished the “frame” for around the letters, and the boys painted the letters. Mom and I covered the canvases to go on the wall and the boys also made their hand prints to go on the wall. When we took a lunch break, we also picked up a pair of curtains. With all of it in there, except the letters, it looks real cute.
Tomorrow, Mark is working with Brian, Christy’s husband, so mom is coming back and my job is to work on our bedroom while she moves the furniture into the baby’s room. We have this pile of stuff behind our bathroom door. I think most of it is scrapbook stuff for the boys that I have never gotten around to making. We leave the door to the bathroom open all the time, so it has kind of become invisible to us…but not to her. I know our house is cluttered in some areas, and I really need someone to help point it out to me because we have been living with all of this for eight years. It is really amazing how much stuff we have thrown out. And it is even more amazing that we still have so much to get rid of!
After the baby’s room is finished, we are going to work on Mavrick’s room. Right now we are just going to make it a functioning bedroom so Mark can get some sleep when I snore and I can lay with the baby when he wakes up in the middle of the night. I know that is several months away, but I certainly remember how nice it was just to lay the baby down next to me and nurse him (Mav) back to sleep. Anyway, I have to finish my office too, but I think I can do that in a about a week if I work in the evenings. As long as it is done before Major gets here!
This week has been spring break for the kids. I think they have had a blast with my mom and dad this week. Monday, dad took them to see “Horton Sees A Who,” I think. Whatever that new movie is. Anyway, they came home raving about how good it was. On Tuesday, mom took them to the skating rink all day. Literally, they got there about 10:30 and stayed until 5:00. When the boys got home they both were already sore. I made them soak in the tub for a little while, but they were exhausted! This morning when my mom got here, Michael told her that they didn’t need to go back today. I definitely agreed. Then, today, they went to see my grandfather in Weatherford at the farm. They love it out there and have a blast. Mom said that they were very good and that Pop-paw was very glad they came. Tomorrow, they plan to go to my sisters in Allen and go swimming at the Allen Noratorium. They spent the night at mom and dad’s tonight, so mom can sleep a little late tomorrow. She has been at our house by 8:00 every morning so the boys could sleep late. Of course, Michael has been up each day to welcome her. They are so good with the boys! We are blessed to have them living so close and an everyday part of their lives! We sure couldn’t make it without them!
This week Mark has also been very busy. Monday night, Tuesday night, and tonight he has been painting in the baby’s room. It is going to be so cute. I was talking to him about it the other night and he said “you know, the baby won’t care what the nursery looks like. This is all for you.” I am very aware of that. But, as I told him, this is truly the LAST nursery we will have, so I want it how I want it. He has done a great job! I am excited to get the rest of the walls finished and the furniture in there now! 

Last Saturday was my birthday. I turned 37. Yes, I understand that 37 is not “Old” but it is old for having a baby. I still have to pinch myself to realize this is real. Major will be here in less than 7 weeks, and it seems that every day our spare time is dedicated to preparing the house.
I did have a wonderful birthday though. I slept till 10 am, then the boys woke me up to show me the birthday cake they had made. Mark put it in the oven and took it out, but Michael and Mavrick did the rest. It was the sweetest birthday cake I have ever had! Then, mom brought me breakfast. Christy and Bella came over and we all headed out on a shopping trip. I got two new (pregnant) dresses and a new pair of shoes. We picked up some paint for the baby’s room. We just had a fun day.
Today was Michael’s Crush’s skate party. Mom came and got them this morning at 8:30 and took them to the skating lessons offered at the rink. They had a wonderful time. I woke back up at 10:39! And they got home right after that. Michael was so excited that he was doing so well, Mavrick was upset because he didn’t “graduate” to the next level with his brother.I took them to the party this afternoon and Michael did really good. I would say that there was really no one else in his class that skated any better. He had a good time and I was proud of him for going and not being intimidated by anything. He ended up with a red face again, so I know he got a good workout! Mav, on the other hand, apparently had a two hour limit. He skated this morning, then this afternoon he had about an hour left in him before he was tired and bored. Mom is planning on taking them during Spring Break.Mom has reserved all the weekends of the month of March to help me (us) prepare the house for Major. We moved the sitting room to storage (except for the 10,000 lb piano). Now we are trying to move the office to the former sitting room. All of Major’s stuff is in the guest room, so once the office is downstairs, and the office becomes the nursery, the guest room can start transforming into Mavrick’s room. Mark has been working all day on wiring the sitting room. It is 11:05 pm and he is still working on it.We are getting a lot done. Our room is getting clean-er. I am developing a better way/place to do laundry. We have thrown out a TON of stuff! I told mom today that I needed her to come back and do this again in about 2 years so I don’t just put things away and never go back and get rid of them. She found stuff in the top of one of the closets that I apparently put away for another baby. But then when I thought I wasn’t going to have anymore, I never got rid of any of it. I guess maybe it is one of those “Lord works in mysterious ways” things.
So, let me get caught up. I started this blog to document my fast and fun life, but the last week has been mostly fast. Last Friday was my 30 week doctor appointment. Major sounded fine, I looked better than I had the time before, my blood pressure was a little high and I have gained a total of 13 pounds. She took my BP again before I left and it was lower, but still a little high. I go back on the 14th so they will keep an eye on it. I have been swelling a lot in the last three weeks. That is just how I roll at the end of a pregnancy.Later that day we had a “going away party” for Kelly at work. Working on the party kept me busy all day. It was a nice little party, but I literally only worked about 30 minutes the whole day. I was exhausted when I got home, and VERY swollen.Saturday, Mark got up and went to Austin about 4:00 Saturday morning. The boys and I went to a sibling class at the hospital. I think it was very good for them to get a tour, see the rooms, etc. so they will be ok with the hospital thing. They got to make “big brother” shirts and really seemed to enjoy that. When we got home mom was having a garage sale and made enough money to get a storage building and pay for it through April. The rest of the day we moved stuff out of the sitting room and the guest room into storage. We couldn’t get the piano, but got everything else out of the sitting room, which is going to be my office – eventually!Sunday, mom took the boys to church while I worked on laundry and cleaning the house. That afternoon, I worked on cleaning our bedroom and she took the boys skating. She called me about an hour into it and told me I had to come up there and watch them. They were precious! I went and was shocked at how well they were doing. It was their first time, but for the first time, they were doing really good! I wanted to skate with them so bad. I used to have a blast roller skating! I did almost lose my lunch when we went to take off the skates. The whole area was stinky. I had to get Mavrick to move away from the rental area with me. When we left there, mom sent us to get the boys new tennis shoes. They both got a new pair that they totally love. So, all were happy. They were TOTALLY worn out. They were asleep before their heads hit the pillow.Mark didn’t leave Austin till about 3:00 Monday morning. I was so mad at him. All I could think about was him having an accident. I really was upset. But I was afraid to be pissed, because what if something did happen to him? I didn’t want to be pissed at him when he died. So, I just cried myself to sleep. He got home, safely, about 7:30 Monday morning. It was ok to be pissed then. And let me tell you, I looked the part!